This Cyberpunk 2077 Sasquatch Boss Guide will show you how you can defeat Matilda Sasquatch boss in the game. This boss is an intimidating looking enemy in the game but leaves a good amount of loot with Legendary weapons when you defeat her.
Sasquatch is a large enemy who comes wielding a two-handed hammer that can smash you to bits. In addition, she has got some tricks she uses to make the fight more interesting.
Cyberpunk 2077 Sasquatch Boss Guide
Below we have detailed how to defeat Sasquatch in the game.
How to Defeat Sasquatch
Matilda K. Rose or Sasquatch is a large-sized female enemy that you will face in the I Walk the Line mission in the game. She comes into the fight holding a large hammer which is her main weapon that she uses to attack you.
Because of her large size and the heavy two-handed hammer that she is holding, her attacks are pretty slow. In addition, she mainly relies on her close-ranged melee attacks, which is why she will look for ways to close the distance between the two of you.
Your strategy in this fight is to dodge her attacks, keep a distance away from her, and used your weapons to attack. Matilda will use her melee attacks to hit you, but you can avoid them by dodging to either of her sides. If you notice Sasquatch, she will have a small device on her back which is not only her weak point but also an item that regenerates her health.
Your first priority is to dodge her attacks, place yourself behind her so you can attack her device on the back. It will take a few hits with a weapon, but it will fall out pretty easily. Once you have done that, you are pretty much in control at this point. Continue dodging her attacks and shoot her next weak point, which is her head.
Occasionally, Sasquatch will throw her weapon at you, or go for a heavy attack. This leaves her still for a moment and vulnerable to attacks. After you have destroyed her device on her back, you are pretty much safe to keep a distance and shoot away at her head.
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This concludes our Cyberpunk 2077 Sasquatch Boss Guide. Post your comments below.