Cooking Simulator Skills and Perks Guide – Best Skills and Perks

Cooking Simulator Skills and Perks Guide

In this Cooking Simulator Skills and Perks Guide, we will detail all the skills and Perks in the game, what they do, and the best skills and Perks you can have at the starting of the game.

Skills and Perks can be unlocked to improve your performance in the game. These items are vital and can affect your gameplay significantly. Skills are passive buffs where some are specialized to reduce cost, take more time to make a meal, etc. On the other hand, Perks are active functions that positively have an effect on the gameplay.

Cooking Simulator Skills and Perks Guide

Below we have listed all the Skills and Perks in Cooking Simulator. We have also detailed their effects and the best ones you can have in the early stages of the game.Cooking Simulator Skills and Perks Guide


Skills come in three levels, which increases its effect or the reward tied to it. All the Skills in the game are listed below:

Awards for Challenges

This skill will give you prizes for the Daily Challenges. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 10%, 30%, and 50%

A Series of Dishes

With this skill, you can serve a series of dishes, one by one, with a total rating of 4 or more starts to get fame bonus for each series. The levels of skill increase its rewards by 20%, 40%, and 60%


This skill gives you more experience for the stars received from the dishes. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 50%, 60%, and 90%

Income from Dishes

Guests pay you more for meals. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 10%, 30%, and 50%

Cooking Points

You get more cooking points for cooked meals. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 10%, 30%, and 60%

Fame Gain

This skill gives you more fame points for dishes. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 20%, 40%, and 80%

Equipment Durability

This skill slows down the kitchen equipment. The levels of the skill slows down the breaking down by 10%, 20%, and 50%

Best Tips

This skill gives you higher tips. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 20%, 40%, and 60%

Cheaper kitchen decorations

Kitchen decorations purchase is cheaper. The levels of the skill reduce cost by 20%, 40%, and 60%

Cheaper products

Dish ingredients can be purchased cheaper. The levels of the skill reduce cost by 10%, 20%, and 40%

Cheaper liquids

Spices can be purchased cheaper. The levels of the skill reduce cost by 10%, 20%, and 40%

Cheaper spices

Spices can be purchased cheaper. The levels of the skill reduce cost by 10%, 20%, and 40%

Cheaper repair

Repairs are cheaper. The levels of the skill reduce cost by 10%, 30%, and 50%

Cheaper prescriptions

New recipes and improvements to the existing ones can be bought cheaper. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 20%, 40%, and 60%

Easier Events

This skill lowers expectations of foodies and restaurateurs. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 10%, 30%, and 50%

Faster Repairs

This skill repairs equipment faster. The levels of the skill increase its rewards by 30%, 60%, and 100%

Extended Preparation Phase

This skill increases the preparation phase. The levels of the skill increase the duration by 20%, 40% and 80%

Taste Tolerance

This skill increases the tolerance to errors in the preparation of dishes. The levels of the skill increase the tolerance by 10%, 20%, and 50%

Extended Cleaning Phase

This skill increases the preparation phase. The levels of the skill increase the duration by 20%, 40% and 80%

Serving Overtime

An emergency time for serving a dish is increased. The levels of the skill increase the duration by 10%, 30% and 50%

Extended Dish Timers

Time spent on serving a dish gets increased by 10%, 20% and 40%

Slower Burn

The products burn 2, 3, and 4 times slower.

Slower Cooling

Products Cool 2, 3, and 4 times slower.


Perks are special abilities that can be activated for then effects. All the perks are listed below:

Steady Hands

This perk allows you to hold the product during cutting.


This perk gives you 3 skill points that you can use

Thermal Vision

This perk lets you know the temperature of the products without having to open the oven doors.


With this perk, you lose less fame if you mess with a food critic.

Busy Day

Every day, you will get 2 “daily challenges” instead of 1.

Reroll Order

Once a day, you can exchange an order for another . A new order is randomly selected.

Time Extender

Once a day, we can add one minute to the time limit remaining for ALL the dishes in the queue.

Time Rewinder

Once a day we can reset the “time to make a dish” on ONE order.

Dish Analyzer

This perk gives you the ability to check what grade we get for the dish before serving it.

Fairy Touch

This perk gives you a magic wand that allows you to easily remove all dirt and debris.

Unbreakable Plates

Damage of the plates will not be possible.

Unbreakable Bottles

Damaging bottles will not be possible.


This perk allows you the ability to transport hot products in bare hands.

Long Reach

With this perk you can reach and remove objects from a greater distance.


This perk can refund the customer the money for the order to protect our fame points.

Best Skills and Perks

The best perks you can have at the starting of the game are Slow Motion, Heat Proof Gloves, Steady Hands, Time Enhancer, Time Rewinder, and Re-roll Order.

If you are looking for the best skills to have in the early stages of the game, you can have the Slower Burn, Slower Cooling, Income from Meals, Better Tips, Experience, More time to prepare a dish, Extended Preparation Phase, Extended Cleaning Phase, and Equipment durability.

This concludes our Cooking Simulator Skills and Perks Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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