Death Stranding Delayed

Death Stranding Slightly Delayed According to Kojima

Hideo Kojima, director of Death Stranding, has shared an update that Death Stranding is a little delayed as it is running behind its planned scheduled. He shared this information with…

Death Stranding Fast Travel Guide

Guerilla Games Has Seen Death Stranding Demo and They Are ‘Speechless’

We are all waiting for Death Stranding patiently and Hideo Kojima has been extremely secretive of his upcoming title. It turns out that recently some people over at Guerrilla Games…

Death Stranding

Hideo Kojima Teases Release Date for Death Stranding

Hideo Kojima who is the creator of Death Stranding, has teased a 2019 release date for the upcoming and long awaited game. The hint of the release date came in…

Death Stranding

Death Stranding New Trailer Revealed at TGS 2018 – New Character, Boss Fight

The upcoming Sony exclusive game; Death Stranding, has got a new trailer that reveals casting information and shows off a big monster. Kojima Productions showed a minute-long trailer at the…