In this Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout Perks Guide, we will detail all the perks that are available in Blackout mode of the game. In addition, we will also highlight some of the best perks that can help you in the gameplay as the match progresses.
Perks in Blackout are consumable items that can be found around the map. These perks have to be activated for them to work after you have picked one up. It also worth mentioning that Perks in Blackout are not permanent and only provide certain ability for a limited amount of time once activated.
There are many Perks in the game that will available when you start the game, but using them at the right time is what will matter the most and will give you the upper hand.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout Perks Guide
Below we have detailed all the Perks that will be available to you in the map. Refer to our guide to see each Perk’s stat and detail.
Uses: 2
Duration: 120 Seconds
This Perk allows you to hear footsteps from a further distance, thus alerting you the position of the enemy nearby. If you enjoy camping, this perk will give you an upper hand when an enemy is approaching your position, giving you ample time to be prepared.
Uses: 1
Duration: 240 Seconds
This perk increases melee damage and awards 50 health or every melee attack. Brawler is a very useful Perk as it allow you to gain health at the early stages of the game when youa re unequipped with a weapon and melee is the only attack you have. This perk ensures every attack you land on an opponent gives you 50 health.
Uses: 1
Duration: 300 Seconds
This Perk allows you to use your health quicker. Healing with medkits can take some time, this Perk comes in handy to cut that time short allowing you to quick heal and resume combat. The time that is reduced while restoring health is decreased 50% with this Perk.
Dead Silence
Uses: 1
Duration: 240 Seconds
This perk allows you to move quietly and loot stashes with reduced noise. This perk can be very helpful especially when you need to loot a stash without alerting nearby enemies. The duration of the Perk is also quite enough to allow you in going through multiple stashes or sneak out of the battle zone.
Uses: 2
Duration: 240 Seconds
This Perk reveals nearby vehicles around you that may have not spotted. This can be useful when you are in locations close to the collapse zone and need an escape vehicle to move to the center of the zone.
Iron Lung
Uses: 2
Duration: 300 Seconds
This perk increases the steady time when using sniper or tactical rifles, as well as underwater breath time. This allows your shots to be much steadier which will help you if you are a sniping a target further in the distance.
Uses: 3
Duration: 120 Seconds
This Perk highlights nearby loot and stashes. This Perk works great at the beginning of the match when you need to gather resources and weapons quickly. It will help highlight the stashes and loot-ables around you, which gives you an advantage over the enemies nearby.
Uses: 2
Duration: 240
This Perk allows you to heal and revive faster. While healing items give you more health and revived friends receive more health. This perk is obviously useful in Duos or Squads where the revive is an important function. Use this Perk before you revive an ally, which will grant him more health and revive him faster.
Uses: 2
Duration: 240 Seconds
This Perk allows you a few advantages, starting with faster weapon swaps and movements, no fall damage, and allowing you to fire weapons and use equipments while running. This Perk also allows you to move faster when reloading. This Perk is very useful anytime of the match since it gives out very useful features and can be used twice for a decent amount of time.
Uses: 2
Duration: 180 Seconds
If you are stuck in the collapse zone and want to escape faster, this Perk will help you in taking less damage in the zone and also giving you a bit of speed to outrun the zone when the collapse circle is closing in. The Perk can be used twice, for 180 seconds each, which is a decent amount of time to find safety.
Uses: 2
Duration: 240 Seconds
This Perk gives you an audio alert when you are attacked by an enemy. When you are attacked, an audio clue will give out the enemy’s position, thus helping you in taking a defensive or offensive action. It also comes with a long time duration, which will allow you to plan your attack strategically.
Uses: 3
Duration: 240 Seconds
This Perk allows you to receive less damage from fire and explosive attacks, while also improving resistance from flashbangs, razor or concussion. This can come in handy when an enemy is using grenades or flashbangs, allowing you to continue your attack or dodge an incoming attack.
Uses: 3
Duration: 180 Seconds
This perk allows you to move faster when prone or crouched. It is unsure where this may come in handy, however pairing it with other Perks might give you some advantage with this Perk.
Squad Link
Uses: 2
Duration: 120 Seconds
This perk allows you to see where your squad mates are through doors and walls. This may come in handy when you want to pinpoint your ally when he is knocked down and you want to reach him as fast as possible to revive the player.
Uses: 2
Duration: 180 Seconds
This perk increases max HP by 100. This is essentially a health boost allowing you more health. This perk comes in handy when your health is low and want a boost quick.
Best Perks in Blackout
We have chosen 5 Perks that we think are a must have in any game. These perks should always be picked up and used if you want an advantage over your opponents.
The first Perk is Awareness, as it can give you a big advantage of nearby enemies and the noise that they make with their footsteps. Second perk is Dead Silence can allow you to sneak up to unsuspecting enemies as it reduces the noise you make while even looting noise is reduced.
Our third choice of Perk is Outlander, because some way or the other you will find yourself close to the collapse and will need time to get out of the zone, This is where Outlander comes in very very useful. Our fourth pick is Looter, which comes in handy at the beginning of the match, highlighting loot and resources around you to quickly go collect.
And finally our last Perk is Mobility, which is an absolute must have, allowing you so many features like no fall damage, reloading while sprinting, firing while sprinting and faster weapons swaps and reloads.
You can also read about the best landing spots and fast landing in Blackout, here.
This concludes our Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout Perks Guide. Feel free to comment below.