Broadband Connectivity Is Sufficient For Google Stadia Says VP Harrison

Google Stadia

Google Stadia is going to let you stream games to any device that can run YouTube and this could be the future that we have all been waiting for. Some people are skeptical about internet speeds and lag. They should be, companies have tried to do game streaming in the past and have failed. Google VP Phil Harrison talked about the upcoming platform and showed his confidence in Google Stadia.

We know that you will need a 30 mbps connection in order to run games at 4K 60 FPS and if you turn the resolution down then the internet requirement is reduced as well. This is fairly reasonable and such speeds are available in the major parts of the world especially in the markets where Google Stadia is launching first. Google VP Phil Harrison touched on the matter and here is what he had to say regarding the matter:

We study broadband very carefully, as you can imagine, and very deeply. In the markets that we will be launching, where we are planning to introduce [Google Stadia] in the future, broadband connectivity is more than sufficient to satisfy the most ambitious aspects of our plan.

Google Stadia

Indeed high-speed internet is available in parts of the world where Google is launching Stadia first. This could be one of the reasons why these parts of the world are getting the service sooner than the rest. Harrison also talked about the internet requirements of the platform and the following is what he had to say in this regard:

The bandwidth we require to enjoy Google Stadia at the highest level is only 30/35 megabits per second, and that’s to play at 4K. 20/25 megabits per second is enough for less than that, so it’s not a massive bandwidth that we require.

While the internet requirement is reasonable, we will have to check out the actual gameplay in order to see what the experience is like. Lag is not going to be tolerated in this case.

Stadia has had a major impact since it was announced. Sony and Microsoft are working on making their upcoming consoles more powerful than Stadia and Xbox box Phil Spencers even mentioned that while Stadia has the infrastructure, it does not have the content. We will have to wait and see whether or not that is true.

Let us know what you think about Google Stadia and whether or not this is something that you are excited about.

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