In this Battlefield V Firestorm Weapons Guide, we will guide you on all the different types of weapons found in Battlefield V Firestorm. Weapons are the most important thing in Firestorm and it is vital that you must find and equip the best weapons found on the map. As soon as you land on the map, depending on your landing location, you will start picking up different types of weapon in Firestorm which will ensure that you survive in the game and do not die as soon as you land in the game.
We have curated this Battlefield V Firestorm Weapons Guide in which we have detailed all the different weapons that are currently present in Battlefield V Firestorm. Since you must scavenge all weapons found in the game, it is vital that you find and equip the higher tier weapons and gadgets so that you can automatically gain an advantage over your competition. Below we have detailed all weapons, Sidearms, melee weapons, gadgets, throwables and everything related to killing in the mode.
Weapons Guide – Battlefield V Firestorm
Our Battlefield V Firestorm Weapons Guide details all weapons and throwables that are found in Battlefield V Firestorm.
Understanding Inventory Slots and Management
Just like all other battle royale games, you have a limited inventory space and you must learn to manage it. The game offers you two main weapon slots, one secondary weapon slot, and four gadget slots right at the beginning. You can increase these slots by finding higher level backpacks but the number of weapons you hold will remain the same.
When you start the game, you will come pre-equipped with a knife so if you do not find a gun right away, you still have a little chance of survival if you manage to kill someone with a knife. Apart from this, you have two primary weapon slots and one sidearm slot. You can hold four different types of ammo at one time.
You have four gadget slots at one time and one of them is strictly for your healing items. Another slot is fixed for your grenades and throwables. The rest two slots can be fixed with anything. Find and equip high-level backpacks to increase your inventory slots and hold more items at the same time.
Weapon Types
This section of the guide details all the different types of weapons found in Battlefield V Firestorm.
Primary Weapons
These are your primary weapons and you will be fighting with these weapons most of the time. You can equip two primary weapons at the same time.
Submachine Guns
- MP40 – This is a decent SMG and it is a very good weapon for beginners as it is easy to control. The rare version has quick ADS, less recoil and a reflex sight. Epic version comes with improved ADS which helps both when stationary or moving along with a short range lens sight.
- Suomi KP/ – 31 – This SMG is meant for advanced players as it is a very fast firing weapon and thus is a little hard to control. Fire in small bursts to ensure that your hits land on enemies and do not spread too much. The rare version comes with improved hipfire, quick deploy, and reflex sight. The Epic version comes with an improved rate of fire, less recoil, and a reflex sight.
- STEN – This SMG is very easy to use and can be considered similar to MP40 in most stats. Its rare version comes with improved hipfire, quicker reloads and a reflex sight. Epic version comes with extended mag, reduced recoil, and a lens sight as well for improved accuracy.
- M1928A1 – This slightly bigger SMG is commonly known as ‘Tommy Gun’ and it is an excellent all-rounder SMG. Its rare version comes with less recoil, quick ADS and a reflex sight. The Epic version comes with extended mag ensuring that you do not have to reload quite as often. It also has less recoil and comes with a lens sight.
- Gewehr 43 – This rifle is excellent for quick hits and then running away. Players who prefer run-and-gun mechanics will absolutely love this gun. Its rare version comes with quick and much-improved ADS and an aperture sight. The Epic version also comes with bullets that have increased travel speed, less recoil, and a ZF4 mid-range scope.
- M1A1 Carbine – This rifle features low damage however it makes up for that with its increased rate of fire. It is one of the most dependable rifles in the game. It works exceptionally well for medium to long range combat scenarios. Its rare version comes with quick ADS and can be deployed much quickly. It is also equipped with a reflex sight. The epic version has extended magazine, improved hipfire, and a reflex sight as well.
- StG 44 – StG 44 is exceptionally accurate and it also has very decent stopping power. It is also a very decent rifle to use for different combat scenarios. The rare version comes with less recoil, faster ADS and a reflex sight. The Epic version comes with even faster ADS, even less recoil and the powerful ZF4 mid-range scope.
- Gustloff Prototype – This is considered as an assault rifle however it has a very small range when compared to other rifles on this list. It is not very effective at long range combat. Its rare version comes with reduced recoil, faster reload and a reflex sight. The Epic variant comes with improved ADS, even less recoil and a reflex sight.
Sniper Rifles
- ZH-29 – This is a semi-automatic heavy sniper rifle which is also very accurate for taking down some headshot kills. Its rare version comes with a bipod for increased stability, faster ADS and a close-range sight. The epic version comes with bullets that travel quickly, improved ADS and a midrange scope.
- Kar98k – This is a slow but powerful bolt-action rifle. Its rare version comes with a faster deploy speed, improved ADS and a close-range sight. The epic version comes with a bipod, quick cycle and mid-range scope.
- Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I – This sniper rifle has a fast fire rate and allows you to fire another round quickly if you miss the first shot. It excels at medium range combat and might suffer at very long distances. Its rare version comes with faster reload and quick deploy. The epic version has a bayonet and quick cycle.
Machine Guns
- Bren Gun – This unique machine gun’s magazine is located at its top. Its rare version comes with less recoil, faster reload and AA close-range sight. Its epic version comes with bullets that travel quickly, improved bipod and M84 mid-range scope.
- FG-42 – The FG-42 features a very fast firing rate however it has a small magazine which means frequent reloads. Its rare version comes with improved ADS and close0range sight.
- MG 42 – MG 42 features a very high rate of fire and is very easy to use. It is one of the most reliable weapons in the game to use. The rare version comes with an improved flash hider, bullets that travel with much faster speed and the AA close-range sight for increased accuracy. Its Epic version comes with better cooling, even higher rate-of-fire and the AA close-range sight.
- 12g Automatic – This is one of the most used shotguns in its era. It is a very reliable shotgun and will not disappoint you in close range combat situations. Its rare version comes with an extended magazine and faster reload speed. The Epic version comes with better bullet penetration and heavy load.
- M97 – M97 is a pump-action shotgun which can easily cut down enemies at close range. It lacks in range so you will need to get up close and personal with your enemies. Its rare version comes with quick ADS and slug rounds. The Epic version comes with better trigger, more headshot damage, and the Lattey close-range sight.
This section of the guide lists all Sidearms that are currently present in Battlefield V Firestorm.
- P38 Pistol
- P08 Pistol
- M1911
- FP-45 Liberator
- Mk Vl Revolver
Melee Weapons
Below you will find all melee weapons found in Battlefield V Firestorm.
- British Army Jack Knife
- Club
- Cricket Bat
- Hatchet
- Kukri
- Machete
- Pickaxe
- Scout Knife
- Shovel
- Solveig Knife
These are special items that will benefit you greatly throughout the matches.
- Backpacks – They increase your inventory capacity. There are three backpacks in the game. Higher level backpacks will increase your inventory capacity. Small backpack increases your capacity by two, medium level by four and the highest level bag will increase your capacity by six slots.
- Healing Syrettes – They are used to heal your teammates.
- Armor Vests – These are special armor plates which increase your capacity. Find higher level armor vests for most protection from enemy fire. The lowest level armor vest adds one armor plate, rare will provide two armor plates while the epic one will fit three armor plates.
Grenades and Throwables
You will also find a large number of grenades and throwables to use in Battlefield V Firestorm. They are listed below.
- Frag Grenade
- Smoke Grenade
- Incendiary Grenade
- Sticky Grenade
- Geballte Ladung
- Impact Grenade
These are heavy weapons and are super effective against vehicles.
- Panzerfaust 100
- SMLE Smoke Grenade Launcher
- Sturmpistole
These are strategically deployable explosives that can be detonated on command to ambush enemies or lure them to some specific place.
- Sticky Dynamite
- Tellermine
- S 35 Bouncing Betty
At this time, these are all different types of weapons present in Battlefield V Firestorm. EA and DICE plan to add more weapons to the battle royale mode in the future. In the meantime, check out more Battlefield V Firestorm guides below.
- Battlefield V Firestorm Beginner’s Guide
- Battlefield V Firestorm Vehicles Guide
- Battlefield V Firestorm Map Guide
This concludes our Battlefield V Firestorm Weapons Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.