In this Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Ainigmata Ostraka Locations Guide, we will guide you on the locations of all Ainigmata Ostraka locations found in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Ainigmata Ostraka are puzzles similar to previous title’s Papyrus Puzzles. Upon reaching the location of an Ainigmata Ostraka, you will be presented with a clue to find the treasure hidden nearby.
We have detailed the locations of all Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles found in the game and how to solve them. Each region in Assassin’s Creed has multiple Ainigmata Ostrakas that you can find and we have detailed them below according to the region in which they are found for your ease. Each time you solve a puzzle, you will be rewarded with a unique engraving, which can be applied on your armor and weapons for different boosts.
Ainigmata Ostraka Locations Guide – Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Below we have detailed all Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles found in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, which include their locations, location of their solution and what reward you will get from them.
This area has three Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles for you to solve.
Ashes to Ashes
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: This can be found in Markos’s Vineyard. The Vineyard is located near the center of the island. Once you are in the vineyard, head to the barn located on the east side and you will find the Ainigmata Ostraka on the second floor of the balcony.
Solution: The solution lies in the Kausos Village. It is located in the southwest section of the island. It is a burned down town. Once you have arrived at the location, look for a temple in the north end of the village. Enter it and find the engraving inside a large pile of junk.
Reward: Engraving providing 3% Adrenaline per Hit
Bottomless Lake
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: This Ainigmata Ostraka is located inside the Melissani Cave. It is located on the north side of Sami. Enter the cave and dive down into the water at the entrance to find the tablet sitting at the bottom of the pool.
Solution: To retrieve the Engraving, you must head to Lake Abythos. It is located in the center of Coast of Koliadai. Jump into the lake and you will find a woman’s statue on one side. Interact with it to get the engraving.
Reward: Engraving providing +10% Critical Damage when you have full health
Fatal Attraction
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: For the Ainigmata Ostraka, head to the small island of Ithaka and find the ruins of Odysseus’s Palace. Head inside, kill the guard and climb the highest building located in the north. You will find the tablet sitting at the rooftop.
Solution: The solution lies in Eumaios’s Pig Farm, which is located on the same road as that of Odysseus’s Palace. Once you enter the farm, head to the right side and you will come across a bloody goat. Inspect it to find the Engraving.
Reward: Engraving providing +2% damage with Swords and Daggers.
This area has three Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles for you to solve.
Hound Docked
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: Head to the Farm of Tripodiskos located in Megaris region. It is located near the center of the Occupied Forest of Tripodiskos. Once there, look for the small farmhouse building and head to its top to find the tablet.
Solution: The Engraving is sitting on a nearby beach where some Spartan soldiers are present. Head north to get to the beach where you will find four Spartan ships. On the second ship, you will find a dog who is very friendly. Greet the dog and he will lead you to the back of the ship where will see two small bones crossed with each other. Insect this and you will get the emblem.
Reward: Engraving providing +2% Critical Chance when you have full health.
Happy Hour
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: This tablet is sitting in the Battlefield Cave. Head to the east of Occupied Forest of Tripodiskos near the conquest battlefield. Jump in the water and dive down the pool located inside the pool. Turn left when you reach a crossroad and enter the small room. Head to the floor above the find the tablet.
Solution: The tablet will lead to the Pillar of Dionysos located on the south side of Kithairon Foothills. Deal with the enemies guarding the statue before inspecting the base of the pillar to find your prize.
Reward: Engraving giving +1 seconds burning duration bonus
Record Sunshine
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: This tablet is located in the Leader’s House in Megara. Climb the southeast tower and find it sitting on the roof.
Solution: You must head to the Mount Geraneia for the reward. Go past the Fort Geraneia and you will arrive in a small abandoned bay. Jump in the water in the middle and you will see some ruins underwater. Find the ruined bookshelf and pick up the Engraving.
Reward: Engraving granting +2% damage with Spears and Staffs
This area has three Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles for you to solve.
Pressed For Time
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: You will find this tablet at the site of Prometheus and the Birth of Humankaind. Look for it in the southeast of Sacred Lands of Apollo. Head to the tents located in the southwest of the area and inspect the giant clay figures in the middle.
Solution: For the Engraving, you must head to the west of Kirrha. It is located in Pilgrim’s Landing. Reach the Leader’s House and go past it until you reach an Olive Farm. Find the large basket in which olives have been gathered and inspect the large red bowl next to it to find the engraving.
Reward: Engraving granting +2% Elemental Resistance bonus
Finger Tip
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: Head to the Desphina Fort and head to the upper level of its west side. You will find the tablet sitting near some offerings near a statue of a snake.
Solution: Your destination is the Tomb of Tityos located in the Valley of Snake. This is the same area where the statue of Tityos is lying in the ground. You need to head where its fingers are pointing but sadly, the fingers are broken. You will need to improvise here. Simply climb his outstretched hand and mark the direction towards the Grand Mount Parnassos.
Make your way towards the peak directly in the North of the hand. Eventually you will come to a riverhead starting from a cave. Head east from this location and you will arrive in a flat area. You will see a small campsite here. Go towards it and you should see a dead tree in the middle. Look at the wooden floor of the camp to pick up the Engraving.
Reward: Engraving granting +2% Damage with Heavy Weapons
A Specific General
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: The Tablet is located in the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia. This is located below Grand Mount Parnassos and Delphi. Enter the main temple and clear the area of all enemies. Look below the large indoor statue with a chest to find the tablet.
Solution: Head to the north of Sanctuary of Delphi to find some statues sitting here. You need to find the Monument of Epigones featuring seven generals. One of the generals is holding a sword and spear. Inspect the basket of flower petals at its bottom to pick up the Engraving. To find the monument easily, enter the from the southeast side and stick to the south side of the sanctuary.
Reward: Engraving granting +1 second Intoxicated bonus
There is one Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles for you to solve in this region.
Heart and Sole
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: Head to Phylidos’s House in Lamia and look for the tablet inside the main house. It is located on the right side.
Solution: The Engraving lies on a small island in Pandora’s Cove. It is only accessible by boat which you can find in the fishing village located to the south of this location. Once on the island, find the small fishing camp where a spear is stuck inside a basket. Interact with it to claim your prize.
Reward: Engraving granting +10% Critical Damage when your health is low.
There is one Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles for you to solve in this region.
Red Scent
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: To find the tablet, head to Leader’s House in Lokris City. The tablet is sitting at the back of the house at the dock.
Solution: To solve the puzzle, head to the Red Lake located south of your current position. The chest and the Engraving are under water so use Ikarus to scan the area and mark the chest. Engraving is located next to this chest on a bull statue
Reward: Engraving granting +4% damage bonus with Overpower abilities
There are six Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles for you to solve in this region.
Backstage Pass
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: This tablet is sitting inside the Textile Mill located on the south side of Attika. Look at one of the main looms to find it.
Solution: The solution lies in a nearby local theatre production. This is the historical landmark of Theater of Dionysos. Head there and go to the backside to find a small room before the stage. Interact with the mask here and you will get the Engraving.
Reward: Engraving granting +3% adrenaline per hit
Killer View
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: The tablet for this puzzle is sitting in the Mount Pentelikos Marble Quarry. Head to the higher level and look for it located on the west side.
Solution: To get your reward, head to the Areopagus above the prison located south from your current location and find an offering table between two large pillars. Interact with it to collect the Engraving.
Reward: Engraving granting +2% damage with spears and staffs
Goat’s Gruff
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: This tablet is siting in the Abandoned Farmland area at Camp Dekelia. Head to the farmland and look for it in the main warehouse. Some guards will be present here so be careful.
Solution: The solution lies in the Cave of Pan located just north-east of your current location. Find the entrance of the cave and look for the rock shaped like a goat with some blood on it. Interact with it to get the Engraving.
Reward: Engraving granting +2% bonus damage with heavy weapons
Elbow Greece
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: You will find this one in the Abandoned Farmland in the Altar of Love. Head to the main entrance where you will find it among some other offerings.
Solution: This is best solved during the night time as you will be able to see the location much easily. Head west from your current location and reach the Statue of Prometheus. From there, look to your North and you will see a big mountain. You need to reach a campsite on its top. During the night, you will easily see a bonfire up there. Head to the camp and interact with the wooden platform there to get your prize.
Reward: Engraving granting +1 second bonus to burning duration
Odor in the Court
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: For the tablet, head to the Araibignes Shipwreck located just north of Port of Piraeus. Dive down in the water and you will find the tablet in the deck of the shipwreck.
Solution: For the solution, you must head to the Port of Piraeus and look for the court bulding. If you look south from the Ship Dock and West of the Sync marker of this area, you will find a building that has rows of scrolls and paperwork. This is the place you are looking for. Head inside the building and find the seefood platter on the south side of the building. Inspect it and you will get your reward.
Reward: Engraving granting +2% Critical Chance when you have full health.
War Eagle
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: Head to the Isle of Salamis and find the tablet inside Salamis Marble Quarry. It is located on a table inside a room in the northeast section of the quarry.
Solution: Head south from the quarry, past the town and arrive in the Ruined Sanctuary of Ajax. Before the entrance, head south and inspect the statue of an eagle to get your prize.
Reward: Engraving granting +1 second burning duration boost.
Abantis Islands
There are two Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles for you to solve in this region.
A Dead for Freedom
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: Head to the Oreos Quarry located on the Island of Euboea. Inside the quarry, look for the tablet under a tent on the west side.
Solution: Head north from this location and you will find the Bull of Oreos’s monument. Look for some offerings near it and interact with them to find your Engraving.
Reward: Engraving granting +2% Critical Chance bonus while you have low health.
Beneath Theseus’s Dreams
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: For the tablet, head to the Pirate Hideout located on the Island of Skyros. The tablet is sitting on a table in the fort which has a really nice view of the ocean.
Solution: Head to Boulder Bay and find the arch where Theseus died. Dive in the water and look on the east of the arch to find a ship in ruins. Interact with the ship to get your Engraving.
Reward: Engraving granting +4% damage bonus with Overpower Abilities
Pirate Islands
There are two Ainigmata Ostraka puzzles for you to solve in this region.
Blue Eyed Beauty
Ainigmata Ostraka Location: This tablet is located in Aetios’s house located in the Island of Seriphos. The Island of Seriphos is found in Pirate Islands. Head inside the house and look for the tablet on a table.
Solution: The solution lies in Polydektes Lagoon on the same island. It is located on the northeast section of the island. Once there, look for a small arch on the northeast side of the lagoon. Here you will find a hole in the shape of an eye. Look right under it and you will find some water. Inspect the urn inside to get your reward.
Reward: Engraving granting +2% Critical Chance when you have low health.
We are adding more Ainigmata Ostraka Puzzle locations to this guide as we find more. Keep checking back for more content added as this guide is a WIP.
For more Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Guides, check out our Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Side Quests Guide.
This concludes our Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Ainigmata Ostraka Locations Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.
Your guide to A Specific General is wrong. The solution is to the south of Delphi in the half circle of statues. It is in the overturned basket of flowers beneath the correct statue.