In ARK Survival: Ascended, Engrams are crafting recipes to help you craft new gear for yourself and your base. As you play more and more, you will need to unlock new Engrams to craft better gear, have a better base, and be well-equipped to tackle tougher areas in the game. There are 100 Tiers of these Engrams which can be unlocked in the game however we have shared below some of the best ones on which you can focus first and unlock them to make the game easier for yourself during the early hours. This ARK Survival: Ascended Engrams Guide lists all Engrams in the game and also the best ones you should unlock first.
Engrams Guide – ARK Survival: Ascended
Before we dive deep into the Engrams list, we must first learn how these Engrams work and what exactly they are. Finally, in the final section of this guide, we have detailed some of the best Engrams you can unlock first in Ark Survival: Ascended.
What are Engrams in ARK Survival: Ascended
Engrams are basically crafting recipes in ARK Survival: Ascended however you do not have to explore the whole world to unlock them. All of the Engrams are already present in the Engrams tab, and you only have to unlock them to access their recipe in the game and be able to craft the item yourself. Each of the Engrams has a particular level attached to them and you will need to reach that level first before you can unlock that engram.
All Engrams in ARK Survival: Ascended
The table below lists all of the Engrams that you can find in ARK Survival: Ascended and their tiers.
Tier | Engrams |
Tier 1 | Note |
Stone Pick | |
Torch | |
Tier 2 | Campfire |
Stone Hatchet | |
Spear | |
Tier 3 | Cloth Pants |
Cloth Shirt | |
Waterskin | |
Cloth Gloves | |
Cloth Boots | |
Cloth Hat | |
Tier 4 | Thatch |
Sleeping Bag | |
Thatch Ceiling | |
Foundation | |
Thatch Wall & Doorway | |
Thatch Doors & Window | |
Storage Box | |
Tier 5 | Wood Sign & Wall Sign |
Slingshot | |
Phioma Saddle | |
Thatch Sloped Wall | |
Tatch Roof & Stairs | |
Tier 6 | Mortar and Pestle |
Sparkpowder | |
Blood Extraction Syringe | |
Narcotic | |
Tier 7 | Simple Bed |
Standing Torch | |
Spyglass | |
Tier 8 | Wooden Club |
Single & Multi-Panel Lag | |
Cooking Pot | |
Tier 9 | Paintbrush |
Bola | |
Parasaur Saddle | |
Training Dummy | |
Tier 10 | Small Crop Plot |
Bow | |
Stone Arrow | |
Carbonemys Saddle | |
Tier 11 | Stimulant |
Wood Foundation | |
Wood Wall | |
Doorways & Window Frame | |
Wood Ceiling & Hatch Frame | |
Wood Doors & Windows | |
Wood Fence Foundation & Support | |
Wood Quarter & Triangle Ceiling | |
Wood Triangle Foundation | |
Tier 12 | Wooden Shield |
Wood Cage | |
Wood Sloped Wall | |
Wood Pillar | |
Wood Roof, Ramp & Stairs | |
Tier 13 | Cementing Paste |
Wardrums | |
Ichthyosaurus Saddle | |
Wood Spike Wall | |
Wood Ladder | |
Tier 14 | Wood Quarter Wall & Railing |
Pachy Saddle | |
Wood Triangle Roof & Corner | |
Tier 15 | Gunpowder |
Flare Gun | |
Hide Pants | |
Hide Shirt | |
Compost Bin | |
Hide Gloves | |
Hide Boot | |
Hide Hat | |
Wood Large Wall | |
Tier 16 | Gravestone |
Rope Ladder | |
Large Storage Box & Bookshelf | |
Wooden Raft | |
Bug Repellant | |
Trike Saddle | |
Tier 17 | Stone Water Intake |
Stone Water Tap | |
Water Tank | |
Tier 18 | Raptor Saddle |
Wood Gateway | |
Wood Gate | |
Feeding Trough | |
Lesser Antidote | |
Fishing Rod | |
Preserving Bin | |
Tier 19 | Wood Chair |
Wood Bench | |
Wood Table | |
Wood Billboard | |
Hyaenodon Meatpack | |
Tier 20 | Refining Forge |
Smithy | |
Metal Pick | |
Metal Hatchet | |
Equus Saddle | |
Tier 21 | Painting Canvas |
Tranq Arrow | |
Scissors | |
Wall Torch | |
Tier 22 | Parachute |
Trophy Wall-Mount | |
Tripwire Alarm Trap | |
Pulmonoscorpius Saddle | |
Tier 23 | Fur Boots |
Fur Gauntlets | |
Fur Cap | |
Fur Leggings | |
Fur Chestpiece | |
Procoptodon Saddle | |
Tier 24 | Stone Wall, Doorways & Windowframe |
Stone Foundation | |
Stone Ceiling & Hatchframe | |
Stone Reinforced doors & Windows | |
Smoke Grenade | |
Stone Roof, Ramp & Stairs | |
Stone Triangle | |
Stone Ladder | |
Stone Quarter * Triangle Ceiling | |
Tier 25 | Stone Fence Foundation & Support |
Artifact Pedestal | |
Magnifying Glass | |
Pike | |
Crossbow | |
Stone Pillar | |
Wood Behemoth Gate | |
Wood Behemoth Gateway | |
Tier 26 | Medium Crop Plot |
Water Jar | |
Stego Saddle | |
Tier 27 | Stone Sloped Wall |
Stone Gateway | |
Stone Reinforced Gate | |
Pachyrhinosaurus Saddle | |
Stone Triangle Roof & Corner | |
Tier 28 | Stone Quarter Wall & Railing |
Handcuffs | |
Bear Trap | |
Fireplace | |
Manta Saddle | |
Stone Large Wall | |
Tier 29 | Metal Spike Wall |
Tripwire Narcotic Trap | |
Ballista Turret | |
Spear Bolt | |
Gallimimus Saddle | |
Tier 30 | Iguanadon Saddle |
Megaloceros Saddle | |
Sword | |
Metal Sickle | |
Stone Reinforced Large Cellar Door | |
Wood Large Cellar Door | |
Wood Behemoth Cellar Door | |
Tier 31 | Large Bear Trap |
Stone Behemoth Gateway | |
Stone Reinforced Behemoth Gate | |
Mammoth Saddle | |
Catapult Turret | |
Tier 32 | Diplodocus Saddle |
Lance | |
Toilet | |
Tier 33 | Terror Bird Saddle |
Wood Tree Platform | |
Ghillie Leggings | |
Ghillie Chestpiece | |
Ghillie Mask | |
Ghillie Gauntlets | |
Ghillie Boots | |
Tier 34 | Simple Pistol |
Simple Bullet | |
Doedicurus Saddle | |
Cannon | |
Cannon Ball | |
Tier 35 | Scope Attachment |
Longneck Rifle | |
Simple Rifle Ammo | |
Sarco Saddle | |
Display Case | |
Tier 36 | Tree Sap Tap |
Beer Barrel | |
Large Crop Plot | |
Ankylosaurus Saddle | |
Tier 37 | Chitin Leggings |
Chitin Chestpiece | |
Chitin Helmet | |
Chitin Gauntlets & Chitin Boots | |
Sabertooth Saddle | |
Stone Reinforced Behemoth Cellar Door | |
Tier 38 | Grenade |
Pteranodon | |
Re-fertilizer | |
Tier 39 | Metal Sheild |
Shotgun | |
Simple Shotgun Ammo | |
Kaprosuchus Saddle | |
Tier 40 | Beelzebufo Saddle |
Poison Grenade | |
Araneo Saddle | |
Metal Water Intake | |
Metal Water Tap | |
Tier 41 | Paracer Saddle |
Silencer Attachment | |
Metal Water Tank | |
Tier 42 | Greenhouse Wall & Doorways |
Greenhouse Ceiling | |
Chalicotherium | |
Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling | |
Tier 43 | Pelagornis Saddle |
Greenhouse Doors & Windows | |
Harpoon Launcher | |
Tier 44 | Dunkleosteus Saddle |
Improvised Explosive Device | |
Greenhouse Sloped Wall | |
Greenhouse Roof | |
Greenhouse Triangle Roof & Corner | |
Tier 45 | Metal Foundation |
Metal Wall, Doorways & Windowframe | |
Dire Bear Saddle | |
Metal Ceiling & Hatchframe | |
Metal Door | |
Metal Quarter & Triangle Ceiling | |
Metal Triangle Foundation | |
Tier 46 | Metal Quarter Wall & Railing |
Metal Pillar | |
Metal Billboard | |
Carno Saddle | |
Tier 47 | Metal Sloped Wall |
Megalodon Saddle | |
Grappling Hook | |
Metal Roof, Ramp & Stairs | |
Metal Triangle Roof & Corner | |
Tier 48 | Fabricator |
Metal Fence Foundation & Support | |
Polymer | |
Electronics | |
Metal Ladder | |
Tier 49 | Baryonyx Saddle |
Power Generator | |
Metal large Wall | |
Tier 50 | Metal Sign & Wall Sign |
Paracer Platform Saddle | |
Industrial Grill | |
Omnidirectional Lamppost | |
Lamppost | |
Camera | |
Tier 51 | Radio |
Chain Bola | |
Thylacoleo Saddle | |
War Map | |
Tier 52 | Metal Gateway |
Metal Gate | |
Flashlight Attachment | |
Megatherium Saddle | |
Tier 53 | Wooly Rhino Saddle |
Remote Keypad | |
Spray painter | |
Tier 54 | Metal Large Cellardoor |
Canteen | |
Arhropluera | |
Bunk Bed | |
Tier 55 | Tapejara Saddle |
Fabricated Pistol | |
Advanced Bullet | |
Pump-Action Shotgun | |
Tier 56 | Flak Leggings |
Flak Chestpiece | |
Flak Boots | |
Flak Gauntlets | |
Flak Helmet | |
Tier 57 | Metal Behemoth Gateway |
Metal Behemoth Gate | |
Megalosaurus Saddle | |
Motorboat | |
Tier 58 | Assault Rifle |
Advanced Rifle Bullet | |
Metal Behemoth Cellar Door | |
Tier 59 | Daeodon Saddle |
Laser Attachment | |
Metal Tree Platform | |
Tier 60 | Basilosaurus Saddle |
Refrigerator | |
Tier 61 | Air Conditioner |
Castoroides Saddle | |
Tier 62 | Argentavis Saddle |
Tranquilizer Dart | |
Tier 63 | Brontosaurus Saddle |
Heavy Miner’s Saddle | |
Tier 64 | Plesiosaur Saddle |
Industrial Grinder | |
Tier 65 | C4 Remote |
C4 Charge | |
Tier 66 | Nothing |
Tier 67 | Allosaurus Saddle |
Tier 68 | Auto Turret |
Tier 69 | Therizinosaurus Saddle |
Tier 70 | Elevator Track |
Small Elevator Platform | |
Tier 71 | Spinosaurus Saddle |
Tier 72 | Medium Elevator Platform |
Tranq Spear Bolt | |
Tier 73 | Large Elevator Platform |
Megalania Saddle | |
Tier 74 | T-Rex Saddle |
Tier 75 | Vault |
Tier 76 | Quetz Saddle |
Tier 77 | Holo-Scope Attachment |
Tier 78 | Mosasaur Saddle |
Tier 79 | Compound Bow |
Metal Arrow | |
Tier 80 | Industrial Forge |
Yutyrannus Saddle | |
Tier 81 | Scuba Tank |
Scuba Mask | |
Scuba Flippers | |
Scuba Leggings | |
Tier 82 | Brontosaurs Platform Saddle |
Chemistry Bench | |
Tier 83 | Fabricated Sniper Rifle |
Advanced Sniper Bullet | |
Tier 84 | Plesiosaur Platform Saddle |
Absorbent Substrate | |
Tier 85 | Gas Mask |
Tier 86 | Night Vision Goggles |
Tier 87 | Rocket Launcher |
Rocket-Propelled Grenade | |
Tier 88 | Underwater Mine |
Tier 89 | Industrial Cooker |
Tier 90 | Pheromone Dart |
Rhyniognatha Saddle | |
Tier 91 | Tusoteuthis Saddle |
Tier 92 | Riot Shield |
Tier 93 | Mosasaur Platform Saddle |
Tier 94 | Minigun Turret |
Tier 95 | Electric Pod |
Tier 96 | Giganotosaurus Saddle |
Shocking Tranquilizer Dart | |
Carcharo Saddle | |
Tier 97 | Quetz Platform Saddle |
Tier 98 | Riot Leggings |
Riot Chespiece | |
Riot Gauntlets | |
Riot Boots | |
Riot Helmet | |
Tier 99 | Rocket Turret |
Tier 100 | Titanosaur Platform Saddle |
Heavy Auto Turret |
Best Engrams to Unlock First in ARK Survival: Ascended
With over 100 tiers to choose from, it may become a little overwhelming what you should unlock first because nearly all of the Engrams are useful and serve a unique purpose in the game if you unlock it first. However, some of the Engrams are more important and you will be better off unlocking them and crafting their items first to make your gameplay experience better. We have detailed them below:
Basic Survival
To start off, you must unlock all of the Level 2 Engrams which include Campfire, Stone Hatchet, and Spear. This will give you the very first steps for your survival in the game which include the ability to cook, gather wood, and hunt animals. While Spear is not very reliable, it will save your skin in different times so make sure that you always go for these three Engrams at the very start of the game.
When you find that you need to head far out from your base in order to look for more resources or any particular creature, make sure that you reach Level 3 and craft the Waterskin. It will allow you to store clean, drinking water and take it with you as you explore different regions away from your base or any other source of fresh water. This is crucial for your survival while you are exploring the world. After that, you should look to make clothes for yourself and that includes the most basic of clothing, which is cloth clothes. They are easy to make and only provide basic protection against the elements, but they should do the job at the start.
Next, you will want to make yourself a Simple Bed where you can sleep to rest and gain your strength back. Apart from sleeping here, this will become your new respawn place as well so every time you are knocked out in the world, you will respawn at your bed. After you have your bed, you can start looking at some basic structures and none other is cheaper than all of the Thatch structures. These basic structures will become the foundation of your future base and will allow you to create a place that you can call home. Create some walls, ceilings, and foundations and they will not only provide protection for your other creations but will also give you a sense of home in the wild.
After you have a small base of operations, you can go for some more basic engrams such as the Storage Box and the Cooking Pot. The cooking pot will allow you to create advanced recipes which are great if you are heading out into the wild and the Storage Box will keep your surplus resources safe when you are not using them. For your early defense, you must go for the Bola and the Wooden Club. Wooden Club will be your go-to weapon for melee while the Bola will assist you with ranged combat scenarios. Bola can tangle running animals and if you fire it at flying creatures, they will be knocked down. After a single use, you can pick it back up as well. The Wooden Club is great for knocking out enemies by hitting them on the head repeatedly.
So, in short, the Engrams that you should go for in the early game include:
- Spear
- Hatchet
- Campfire
- Waterskin
- Cloth Clothes
- Simple Bed
- Wooden Club
- Bola
- Cooking Pot
- Thatch Structures
- Storage Box
Advanced Survival
After you have established your initial base, created some essentials, and moved on with the basics, you can start crafting some advanced tools and gear for your base and yourself. You should start with crafting a Saddle because it will allow you to tame a creature and then ride it. You can find an animal to tame and then simply craft a saddle for them in order to ride them. Once you have crafted a saddle, you can use it on the creature you tame. For more advanced ranged combat, you can unlock the Engram for the Bow and Arrows. As you fight creatures, you will understand why having a solid ranged weapon is important.
To strengthen your base, you can gradually upgrade the Thatch structures to Wooden structures. You can start by first getting the foundation, walls, and ceiling and from there, changing other Thatch structures to wooden as well. Wood is sturdier and will ensure that your base is stronger than ever. Similar to upgrading your base’s material, you can also upgrade your clothes from Cloth to Hide as well. Hides are thicker and will offer increased protection. For some final touches, you can complete your base with Crop Plot which will allow you to plant seeds for collecting food, and the Mortar and Pestle where you can craft advanced resources for some of the advanced crafting that you will need in late game.
In short, for late-game survival, you will need the following Engrams for sustained living:
- Saddle
- Bow and Arrows
- Crop Plot
- Hide Clothes
- Wooden Structures
- Mortar And Pestle
That is all for this guide. If you want more help with this guide, check out the guides linked below:
This concludes our ARK Survival: Ascended Engrams Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.