ARK Survival: Ascended Console Commands Guide – All Console Commands, Accessing the Console

ARK Survival: Ascended Console Commands Guide

Console commands have been used in the ARK universe since the very beginning of the franchise. ARK Survival: Ascended is no different and you can use different console commands in the game to achieve desired results if you want to play around and have some fun. This ARK Survival: Ascended Console Commands Guide details how you can access the console but also all of the console commands that you can use in the game.

Console Commands Guide – ARK Survival: Ascended

This guide has two sections. First, we will tell you how you can access the console for inputting the commands while the second section lists all of the console commands that you can input in this console to achieve the desired result.

How to Access Console to Input Console Commands

The very first step before you can use console commands in ARK Survival: Ascended is opening the console. On PC, you will need to do is to press the ‘`’ key. This is right below the ESC key on the keypad. If this key is assigned to a certain task, press ESC to see the menu and look on the left side of the screen to find the Console Commands options and click it. Once it is open, all you need to do is input the code and you will be good to go.

For consoles, press the required buttons for your console. For Xbox, you will need to press LB, RB, X, Y while on PlayStation, you will need to press L1, R1, Square, and Triangle. This will open the console commands and you will then be able to input any of the console commands listed below in the guide.

All Console Commands in ARK Survival: Ascended

The table below lists all of the console commands for ARK Survival: Ascended that we have found in the game so far. As we find more and more, we will continue to add more to this guide.

Console Command Result
Addexperience(value) Adds the amount of XP you enter to your character
Changesize (value) It changes your size based on the value that you add in the console. By default, this value is 1
Dotame Any creature or dinosaur that you are currently looking at will be tamed
Enemyinvisible You will become invisible to enemies and creatures
Fly Allows you to fly around
Ghost Allows you to go through anything that usually would have blocked you such as models, walls, and everything else
giveengrams Unlocks all crafting recipes for you
giveresources Adds 50 of every resource available in the game apart from Element and Element Shard
Givearmorset (tier) (quality) Instantly equips the type of armor that you input in the tier while quality determines the craftsmanship of the equipped armor. Choose From:

Tier: chitin, cloth, desert, flak, fur, ghillie, hazard, hide, metal, riot, scuba, tek

Quality: alpha, apprentice, ascendant, journeyman, mastercraft, primitive, ramshackle


Givecreativemode Allows you to enter the Creative Mode where everything is unlocked by default
Givecreativemodetotarget Allows you to make another player whom you are looking at to enter the Creative Mode
Givecreativemodetoplayer (playerID) Allows you to put a specific player in the Creative Mode
Givecolors Grants you a little bit of all dye options
Givedinoset (tier) (quantity) Allows you to spawn in a dinosaur or creature that has a saddle based on the tier you enter. Choose From: 0, 1, 2, 3, argent, extinction, flyers, misslemek, shieldmek, siegemek
Giveengramstekonly Grants you all of the Tek Engrams
Giveitem (blueprintpath) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint) Grants you the required item according to the specifications you enter
Giveitemnum (itemnum) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint) Grants you the required item in the quantity you enter
Giveitemnumtoplayer (playerID) (itemnum) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint) Grants the required item to a specific player according to the quantity you enter
Giveitemset (tier) Grants you different items from different groups
Giveitemtoplayer (playerID) (blueprintpath) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint) Grants the required item to a specific player according to the specifications you enter
Giveweaponset (tier) (quality) Grants you the weapon based on the tier you enter. Choose from:

Tier: advanced, basic, primitive, or tek

Quality: alpha, apprentice, ascendant, journeyman, mastercraft, primitive, ramshackle

Gmsummon (type) (level) Allows you to spawn a tamed animal based on the type and level you enter
Infinitestats Removes all your basic needs such as food, water, and oxygen, and you never run out of breath
leavemealone Enables God Mode and you become invincible
setcheatplayer true Allows you to turn on onscreen stats
setcheatplayer false Turns off the onscreen stats if they are enabled
settimeofday xx:xx Allows you to set the desired time of the day
Summon (type) Allows you to summon a creature based on your preference
Summontamed (type) Allows you to summon a tamed creature based on your preference
Teleport Allows you to quickly teleport forward where you are facing until you hit something solid
TeleportplayerIDtome (playerID) Allows you to teleport yourself to a player that you choose
Teleportplayernametome (playername) Allows you to teleport a player to yourself based on your preference
ToggleInfiniteAmmo Allows you to toggle infinite ammo on and off
Tpcoords (lat) (lon) (altitude) Allows you to teleport to desired coordinates
Walk Toggles flying to off

That is all for this guide. If you need more help with ARK Survival: Ascended, check out the guides linked below:

This concludes our ARK Survival Ascended Console Commands Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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