Among Us Imposter Guide – How to Play, Tips and Tricks

Among Us Collectors Editions

In this Among Us Imposter Guide we will guide you on how you can effectively play as the imposter in Among Us. There are two different player types in Among Us, one focuses on repairing different aspects of the map in order to escape called Crew Mates while the Imposter’s sole purpose is to sabotage the whole process and eliminate all of the players so that they are the only ones remaining alive. This guide will help you play as the Imposter so that you can remain in the shadows and eliminate all other players.

Imposter Guide – Among Us

Our Among Us Imposter Guide details everything that you need to know about playing effectively as an imposter in Among Us.

Try to Stay in the Shadows

As the imposter, you cannot risk staying in the light always. Somewhere, someone will easily identify you if you keep moving here and there without any sense of direction or purpose. Normal players will be completing their assigned tasks but as the imposter, you will not have a lot to do unless it is stalking other players or doing filler jobs just to look normal. For this very purpose, it is advised that you stick to the shadows and just do what other players are doing in the game. Try to use computers or simply stand next to them in order to appear natural.

Avoid Using Vents Too Much

Using vents is an ability that only imposters have so if someone sees you entering or exiting a vent, it means that your cover is blown. To make sure that you do not give yourself away while using vents, always look at your surroundings including any security cameras that might be in the area. Use vents only when you really have to unless after making a kill or escaping the murder scene. Do not linger around vents for a long time as well because this will make you look suspicious as well.

Always be aware of Security Cameras

Another important mechanic to look out for in the game is the security camera. Normal players can use these cameras to look in certain rooms and places so you must be aware of any security cameras in your room. Even if there is no one around a potential target, there might be a security camera in the area which might let others see if you kill someone. When someone is looking through a security camera, they flash red so you must always look around for any security cameras and try not to look too suspicious around them.

Never Follow Players Around

If you are playing as the imposter, your goal is to kill other players but you need to be careful about it as well otherwise you will just give yourself away. It is important to stalk your prey but at the same time, you must also ensure that you are never following players continuously around as they complete their tasks. You must try to look as normal as possible while stalking your prey. Stand in front of consoles, complete some common tasks, and participate in conversations as well. Just do not follow around people as that will most easily give you away.

For more help with Among Us, check out the guides linked below.

Among Us Mira HQ Tasks Guide

This concludes our Among Us Imposter Guide. If you have some tips and tricks for us, make sure to share them in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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