First Person Shooter World War 3 Relaunching with New Publisher

World War 3

The hardcore military combat game World War 3 is relaunching after getting a new publisher. Developer The Farm 51 has confirmed that the game has now got a new publisher after they have partnered with the global publisher MY.GAMES.

The announcement was made in a blog post on the game’s website.

We know we have been a bit quiet lately, but there’s a good reason for all this silence – finding a good partnership is not easy if you are looking for one. This took a long time and we had to keep it under wraps until we could tell you about it.

We are very excited about our new partnership with MY.GAMES, is an industry-leading publisher with a global reach and years of experience, specifically with online multiplayer shooters.

MY.GAMES is a publishing studio that is well known for Warface, another shooter that is played by millions online. The Farm 51 has also stated that the publisher will only assist with game publishing, marketing, community management, and other tasks related to publishing. On the other hand, The Farm 51 retains all control over what goes into the game and how it should be.

The point about us retaining creative control is one of the most important ones. This partnership lets us focus more on the game itself, the gameplay, the overall experience, while the experts take care of publishing, marketing, community management, customer support, and backend infrastructure. Of course, this does not mean that we will be excluded from these areas – we will cooperate on all fronts.

The second major point is the time for polishing and optimizing the game. Thanks to the partnership, we will have more time to make sure World War 3 is the best game it can be. We all see the big potential in our game and we are sure that the MY.GAMES support will help us awaken this potential and realize our vision fully.

The blog post also mentions the developers’ plan for the game in 2020, which includes a new Asian Theater of War, moving the game out from Europe and heading to Asian countries. Apart from the Asian region content, an update is also planned to bring new maps, strikes, and weapons.

The developers are also working on a ton of different things for the game, including overall polishing and performance improvements. Players can expect a new progression system, real-time weapon customization, new UI and HUDs, and a new movement system.

What do you think of World War 3 getting a new publisher? Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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