World War 3 Starts Its Life as a Buggy Early Access, Servers Issues Top the List

World War 3

World War 3 Early Access has started and it is not a very great start. Normally Early Access titles are less visually appealing and lack in-game content but they are playable at least but this is not the case with World War 3 specially on its first day of launch.

Players who purchased the World War 3 Early Access are having server connecting issues where they are unable to join the game and are left looking at the just the loading screen. Due to these bugs, the developer of the game, The Farm 51, were considering to delay the Early Access.

They somehow managed to launch the Early Access on time but the bugs remained leaving early buyers angry and frustrated. Most of the players could not even connect to the game servers and they were left staring at the game’s loading screen for most of the times. Even if they did connect to the servers, the game would boot them out right away.

The developers are aware of the rising issues and bugs with the game and they have revealed an official statement that they are hard at work on fixing the bugs. Since the game is in Early Access so it is pretty normal for the developers to run into issues but it seems like that in World War 3’s case, delaying it a little bit would have been a much better option.

The official statement issued by the developers on this issue is

Since the start of the Early Access, the developers have revealed some game patches and client updates which have allowed some of the players to actually play the game however the bug list is still big with the developer hard at work on fixing them.

The game is seeing a fair amount of traffic because if you check on Steam, the game has been reviewed around 4000 times although most of them are negative because of the initial launch bugs however this is not slowing down the developers as they are hard at work fixing the game.

We are hoping that the game gets on its feet quickly because it looks amazing and we cannot wait to jump in the action. It might be a stellar entry in the online FPS category which is currently owned by Call of Duty and Battlefield.


The game’s Early Access is now available on Steam for players who want to try out the game. The full version of the game is expected to launch around sometime in late 2019 or early 2020.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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