Supermassive Games Reveals Little Hope as Next Game in The Dark Pictures Anthology

Dark Pictures Little Hope

We all know Supermassive Games from their horror title Until Dawn and last year’s The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan. Both titles were excellent editions in the horror genre as both of them offered great freedom on how the players’ actions determined the ending of the game. The Dark Pictures Anthology was revealed last year by the developer and its first game Man of Medan was also released last year and now Little Hope is the next title in the Anthology.

Yesterday, Supermassive Games revealed the next game in the anthology called Little Hope. A brand new trailer video was shared by the developer on their official Twitter account however it majorly showed the reactions of multiple streamers playing Man of Medan. It is not until the very last 30 seconds of the new trailer that the trailer showcases a small part of Little Hope of their next installation in The Dark Pictures Anthology.

The small part of the trailer that actually focuses on Little Hope shows us two people standing in a deserted street trying to find someone hiding around them which is followed by a girl dancing around a bonfire in the middle of some woods. She is also carrying a really scary looking doll of some kind which looks pretty much like a voodoo doll. The trailer then ends with a woman trying to escape from someone who catches her with some chains and drags her back. A man is shouting her name Angela who seems to be with the woman.

You can check out the new trailer below.

Little Hope is slated for a release in Summer 2020. Man of Medan was released last year in August 2019 so we can expect that Little Hope will also release around the same window. On the official Twitter account, Supermassive Games is assuring fans that they will have something to play in their vacations so our best bet is around July or August same as the last game. With the official reveal now out of the bag, we can also look forward to more details about the game soon.

Did you play the original Man of Medan last year and are you looking forward to playing The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope this summer? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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