With the recent Square Enix E3 2019 presentation showcasing many classic JRPGs coming to modern consoles and mobiles, Square Enix has now said that they are planning to bring their all games to digital stores. According to Game Informer, President, and CEO of Square Enix, Yosuke Matsuda stated that they are aware of the fans need and they are planning to make the entire library of Square Enix titles digitally.
This announcement comes in line when most of the publishers are bringing their old and classic titles back from the past with their own streaming services or in the form of remakes/remasters. Matsuda said that they are working to bring the titles back to digital markets in a variety of ways. They often get this feedback from fans that they want to see old, forgotten classics brought back to life.
Matsuda also mentioned that nearly all major titles are now available in one way or the other digitally and fans can play them across a wide variety of modern devices. At this point, they are turning their focus towards the classic titles that were released on NES and in the future players can expect to see more of the NES titles releasing across a variety of modern platforms. This is certainly going to make a lot of fans very happy.
Matsuda also said that he would love to release a subscription or streaming service that will allow players to simply pay for the service and enjoy a vast library of Square Enix titles from different generations. Nearly all major publishers now have their own streaming services with Ubisoft and Bethesda joining this list as well soon. This makes perfect sense that Square Enix launches its own streaming or subscription service.
He mentioned that the biggest challenge to bring back NES titles is that even they don’t know where the code for those games is. At this point, it is very hard to find the code of certain games however the studio is trying its best to bring as many titles to modern consoles and devices as soon as possible. This gives us a ray of hope that one day we will see even the oldest of Square Enix’s games come back to life on modern devices.
If you would want to bring back one Square Enix game back to a digital store, which game would it be and why? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.