Shovel Knight Showdown – Final Two Expansions Coming April 2019

Shovel Knight

The last two upcoming expansions for Shovel Knight will conclude the story of the game. As announced by Yacht Club Games that the long awaited expansions Shovel Knight: King of Cards, as well as the recently revealed Shovel Knight Showdown will be launching in April 9 of next year.

The two expansions, Shovel Knight: King of Cards and Shovel Knight Showdown will be available with lots of options for the buyers on April 9, 2019. For players who already have the Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove package, the two expansions will come out free. Otherwise, both the expansions are priced for $9.99 each.

Source: IGN

However, if you have been waiting for the whole saga to come out in a single set, Yacht Club Games will be releasing a physical edition with all the expansions.

Shovel Knight is an 8-bit-style game that has had a long story since its release in June 2014. The story continued with numerous expansions that came out in the years that followed its initial release to its Tower of Fate expansion.

Shovel Knight Showdown

Shovel Knight: King of Cards was first announced in 2017 for its release as its fourth and final campaign in the series, a prequel to the story starring King Knight in his quest to become the King.

The second announced DLC; Shovel Knight Showdown will be completely different. It is a multiplayer fighting game that allows players to compete locally by choosing characters as different knights. You can buy Showdown on its own as it includes a Story Mode filled with minigames and homages to the previous games in this series of Shovel Knight.

Shovel Knight Showdown

Shovel Knight’s complete set called Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove will be priced at $39.99. Shovel Knight: King of Cards will be available for all platforms that it currently runs on. Namely Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC, Mac Nintendo Switch, Wii U. Meanwhile, Shovel Knight showdown will launch only on PC and consoles like Playstation 4 and Wii U.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Will you buy the concluding expansions of Shovel Knight?

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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