Rainbow Six Siege Brings Middle East Servers on PC and PlayStation Consoles

Rainbow Six Siege Middle East

Ubisoft has announced to bring Rainbow Six Siege Middle East servers in the game for PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. The servers are live currently and are based in the United Arab Emirates.

This is huge welcoming news for players based in the Middle East and some parts of South Asia who previously had no choice but to either connect to the European or the East Asia servers with high ping sitting at 100-150+ or more. In a competitive game like Rainbow Six Siege, high ping is a huge compromise that puts a player at a disadvantage against opponents, running the experience.

Though it has taken more than 5 years for Ubisoft the bring to realize that the Middle Eastern audience was being deprived of such a necessity, it is good news for many if not all.

That being said, it does raise another question, that is how quick matchmaking will be in these new servers. There is no denying that there will be far fewer players in the new ME servers as compared to the ones in SEAS and EU, there could be questions raising about the matchmaking times. In all honesty, and having tried it at the moment of writing this article, the servers on PC are indeed live while the ping has drastically been reduced to less than 30 in some cases. Matchmaking in casual matches is quick if not faster than what the South East Asia servers offered, which is another good sign for players.

Interestingly, the Xbox version of the game will not have this support. According to Malek Teffaha, the head of communications and localization at Ubisoft Middle East, the decision was made to maintain the quality of matchmaking. This might mean that there aren’t many Rainbow Six Siege players on the Xbox in this region, which means that matchmaking would take ages if not completely impossible.

Post your comments below and let us know what you think of Rainbow Six Siege Middle East servers.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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