Data miners Reveal Shadow Pokemon GO’s Upcoming Team Rocket Event

Pokemon GO Update

Pokemon GO fans have been treated with a glimpse of the new shadow Pokemon that is expected to roll out with the Pokemon GO Update. The leaked image shows a shadow Psyduck with red glowing eyes indicating Team Rocket’s Pokemon.

Team Rocket even is the new content arriving with the release of the new update v 0.149.0, with various other changes to the Appraisal system among other things.

The leaked image was shared online by a Pokemon GO data miner known as Charles, who hosted a stream providing information as to the red eyes of the Pokemon which differ from other Pokemon and also indicate their loyalty to Team Rocket.

Pokemon GO Update

There are not many details about the shadow Pokemon and how you will have to deal with them in the game. However, it is known that purifying these Pokemon will give them a big stat boost and will cause them to learn a new charged move Return. But, they will be harder to level up.

The new Pokemon GO update also brings changes to the Appraisal system. Now the new system will break down and rank your Pokemon into three main stats, Attack, Defense and HP. The higher you stat IV is, the higher each of these stats will go. it is also super fast as you can swipe between Pokemon to make the whole process fast.

Finally, the update will also bring charged attack mechanic changes to the game. Niantic indicates that charge moves in PVP will require players to swipe and match the pattern of the icons falling across their screen. The more accurate you are, the more powerful your attacks will be.

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What do you think of the new Pokemon GO update and the new changes that it brings? Are you looking forward to the Team Rocket event? Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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