D3, the publisher behind Earth Defense Force franchise, has released a new trailer for their upcoming game Earth Defense Force Iron Rain. Just as expected from an Earth Defense Force game, the trailer is packed with action and huge monsters.
Before we discuss anything further, let us look at the awesome new trailer.
The new trailer seems to present a more dark setting for Iron Rain and it is darkest yet for any EDF game in the franchise. It also reveals that the enemies are not just limited to aliens but now we have giant monsters and insects, which seem to have destroyed a lot of earth.
We can also see a heavily armored EDF soldier who seems to be wearing some sort of a special Heavy Striker suite. It seems that it also has flying capabilities. More details on these have not been revealed at the moment.
Gigantic monsters can be seen attacking in different parts of the trailer and one of then even looked like Godzilla as he was firing an electrical beam from his mouth as well. It looks like the new Earth Defense Force game is going to be the best one in he franchise by simply looking at this trailer.
This is the second trailer released by D3 in the celebration of TGS 2018. A reveal trailer was also released before which you can check out below.
Earth Defense Force Iron Rain is an upcoming action shooter by D3 and is slated to release in 2019. For the time being, only PS4 has been mentioned as it release console. There is no official word so far whether the game will be released on other consoles as well. We will update you in the future if more news is announced by D3.
Let us know in the comments section below about how you feel about the latest trailer released for Earth Defense Force Iron Rain.