NBA 2K19 Offense Controls Guide – Passing, Dribbling, Post Offense, Shooting

NBA 2K19 Offense Controls Guide

In this NBA 2K19 Offense Controls Guide, we will guide on the offense controls of NBA 2K19. There are different buttons and combos that you will be required to master in order to have the strongest offense in any game of NBA 2K19, which is why it is vital that you must have a deep understanding of how the controls work in the game.

Our NBA 2K19 Offense Controls Guide, aims at providing you a detailed guide on all the possible offense controls in NBA 2K19 so you can easily get to the top of your offense game. NBA 2K19 is just around the corner but you can try out the free prelude which is available free to download and play right now.

NBA 2K19 Offense Controls – Detailed Guide

Our NBA 2K19 Offense Controls Guide details everything that you need to know about Offence controls in NBA 2K19.

We have detailed all controls in categories so that you can easily understand all different control combos and allocations.

Passing Controls

This section of the guide details all the passing controls in NBA 2K19.

  • Normal Pass – Press X to pass and pick the receiver by using the left analog stick.
  • Bounce Pass – Press O to pass and pick the receiver by using the left analog stick.
  • Overhead Pass – Press Triangle to pass and pick the receiver by using the left analog stick.
  • Skip Pass – Hold X to target a receiver further away from yourself.
  • Fake Pass – Press Triangle and O while standing or driving.
  • Jump Pass – Press Square and X while standing or driving.
  • Icon Pass – Press the right bumper and then press the corresponding icon of the receiver.
  • Flashy Pass – Double tap O to pass and use the left analog stick to select a receiver.
  • Alley-Oop – Double tap Triangle to pass and use the left analog stick to select a receiver.
  • Alley-Oop to Self – Double tap Triangle and move the left analog stick towards the hoop.
  • Lead to Basket Pass – Press and hold Triangle to make the selected receiver cut to the basket, then release Triangle to pass.
  • Touch Pass – Press X before the initial receiver gets the ball, and use the left analog stick to select the second receiver. This is great move to master.
  • Give and Go – Press and hold X until the receiver catches the ball. While keeping X held, use the left analog stick to move the initial passer and release X to get the ball back. Another advanced move that is very helpful in certain situations.

Dribbling Controls

This section of the guide details all the dribbling controls in NBA 2K19.

  • Sprint – Hold right trigger while moving left analog in any direction will allow you to sprint.
  • Signature Size-Up Combo – Move the right analog stick and then quickly release while standing still.
  • In and Out – Press right trigger, move the right analog stick up and then quickly release.
  • Crossover – Move the right analog stick to the left, then quickly release when dribbling with the right hand.
  • Between Legs Cross – Hold right trigger, move the right analog stick to the left and then quickly release.
  • Behind the Back – Move the right analog stick down and quickly release.
  • Stepback – Hold right trigger, move the right analog stick down and then quickly release.
  • Spin – Rotate the right analog stick clockwise and quickly release.
  • Hard Stop – Tap the left trigger while driving forwards.
  • Hold off Defenders – Hold left trigger to hold off a defender.
  • Stepover – Push the right analog stick to the right or left and quickly release.
  • Triple Threat Pump Fake – Move the right analog stick down, and then quickly release.

Post Offense Controls

This section of the guide details all the post offense controls found in NBA 2K19.

  • Enter and Leave Post – Hold left trigger to post up, release left trigger to leave the post.
  • Post Pivot – Press and hold left trigger to post up. Move the left analog stick in any direction and then quickly release.
  • Drive to Key – Hold left trigger to post up. Hold right trigger and push the left analog stick towards the key, then quickly release the left trigger.
  • Spin or Drive – Hold left trigger to post up, then rotate the right analog stick to either shoulder.
  • Straight Stepback – Hold left trigger to post up, then hold right trigger and move the right analog stick down and then quickly release.
  • Post Hook – Hold left trigger to post up, then move and hold the right analog stick up left or up right.
  • Post Fade – Hold left trigger to post up, then move and hold the right analog stick left or right, away from the hoop.
  • Post Hop – Hold left trigger to post up, then move and hold the left analog stick left, right, or down, and tap Square.

Shooting Controls

This section of the guide details all the shooting controls found in NBA 2K19.

  • Jump Shot – Move and hold the right analog stick then release or you can try holding Square and then releasing.
  • Bank Shot – Move and hold the right analog stick up and release.
  • Free Throw – Move and hold the right analog stick then release, or try holding Square and then releasing.
  • Normal Layup – Move and hold the right analog stick up while driving.
  • Runner/Floater – Move and hold the right analog stick down while driving in close range.
  • Reverse Layup – Move and hold the right analog stick to the right while driving along the right baseline.
  • Two-Hand Dunk – Hold right trigger and hold the right analog stick up while driving.
  • Dominant Dunk – Hold right trigger and hold the right analog stick left or right while driving to determine the dunking hand.
  • Flashy Dunk – Hold right trigger, and hold the right analog stick down while driving.
  • Pump Fake – Tap Square or quickly move and then release the right analog stick for a Pump Fake.
  • Hop Gather – Tap Square while dribbling with the left analog stick moving in either direction.
  • Spin Shot – Hold right trigger and double tap Square for a Spin Shot

For more NBA 2K19 Guide, check out our NBA 2K19 Beginner’s Guide and NBA 2K19 Defense Controls Guide.

This concludes our NBA 2K19 Offense Controls Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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