Teasers, leaks, and Fortnite go side by side and the latest teaser suggests that some sort of robot and monster LTM is coming to Fortnite. This makes it extra special because we know about the Polar Peak’s Cattus monster for some time now and it appears like the new teaser is for either one giant robot or an army of robots which is going to fight the Cattus monster pretty soon in the game.
The latest tease suggests that Pressure Plant might be in process of being turned into a robot factory. Earlier, the game’s creative Director teased via his Twitter account where he used three specific words ‘Preparing’, ‘Planning’ and ‘Pressure Plant’. This gave us the idea that something is about to go down at the Pressure Plant in Fortnite soon.
The latest teaser that comes from the Fortbyte 52 within the game itself states that it can be collected by ’Accessible with Bot Spray inside a Robot Factory’. With Mustard’s teasing and the Fortbyte #52 also stating a Robot Factory, we can deduce that Pressure Plant will be converted into a Robot Factory. However, you should take it with a grain of salt because until Epic Games confirms this, we cannot be 100% sure about this.
Of course, to support this theory, dataminers have been digging in the game files and they have found some solid evidence of robotic body parts inside Fortnite and they look absolutely huge. Check out the tweet below by FortTory which showcases the giant robot’s foot next to a Reboot Van.
The Robot foot is huge as you all can see…
(📸: @KrispyLeaks) pic.twitter.com/XLEjCyCRH1
— FortTory 🏝 – Fortnite Leaks & News (@FortTory) June 30, 2019
Another tweet by them compares the robot’s foot with the Cattus monster’s foot and it appears like the monster is going to be even bigger than the robot being designed to fight.
Wait…. the Cattus (monster) is bigger than the Robot..😯
(📸: @Ta5tyy2) pic.twitter.com/yBbwd5w5fY
— FortTory 🏝 – Fortnite Leaks & News (@FortTory) June 30, 2019
This LTM looks like it is nodding towards the upcoming Godzilla movie combined with a little bit of Pacific Rim thrown in there. If there is indeed a monster fighting based LTM on the way, we can be sure that it will be amazing and we cannot wait to jump in it.
Fortnite is known for its awesome LTMs and the recent ones which included the Endgame LTM, Wick’s Bounty LTM and were simply amazing. We also have confirmation that a Stranger Things and Fortnite crossover is coming soon.
At this point, Fortnite Season 9 is in full swing. If you want to complete some weekly challenges for the current season, make sure that you check out the Fortnite guides below.
- Season 9 Week 8 Challenges Guide
- Season 9 Week 7 Challenges Guide
- Season 9 Week 6 Challenges Guide
- Season 9 Week 5 Challenges Guide
- Season 9 Week 4 Challenges Guide
- Season 9 Week 3 Challenges Guide
- Season 9 Week 2 Challenges Guide
- Season 9 Week 1 Challenges Guide
Will you be willing to play a Monster Fight based LTM in Fortnite if it ever comes out? Let us know in the comments section below.