Iron Man VR Developer Details Game’s Flight Mechanics

Iron Man VR

Iron Man VR developers have just released a video detailing the flight mechanics of the gameplay. Camouflaj, the team behind the development of Iron Man VR talked about how the team worked on Tony Stark’s signature Repulsors to make then feel “intuitive and satisfying”

Direct at Camouflaj Ryan Payton detailed how the team wanted to approach and execute the components needed to bring the Iron Man fantasy in the world of virtual reality. The team’s initial idea was to make the player feel like they are wearing the suit, blasting the Repulsors, and viewing the world through the full three dimensional HUD.

Payton also goes on to explain that they needed to demonstrate the flying mechanics to Marvel Games to convince them. They had to demonstrate that flying as Iron Man in VR was fun and comfortable.

He then talks about the key reasons as to why flying in the game feels so good and natural,

We obey Newton’s laws of motion. We doubled down on how it would work in real life, which, it turns out, your brain really appreciates. Every frame we process includes calculations of up to a dozen forces, such as thrust, drag, and gravity—as well as our assistance systems—that output Iron Man’s accurate and believable trajectory through the sky.

The development team has also worked on “Bumpers” where they have built an invisible system that cushions and guides the player around hard edges of buildings and other similar obstacles. The bumpers soften the blow when the player rams into something at high speeds.

Lastly, the developing team also talks about contextual suit settings. Wherever more precise flight speed is needed, the game applies different suit settings based on context. This allows the player to utilize their thrusters for both small-scale maneuvers as well as unlocking full-blown, face-melting thrust when they need it.

Source: Playstation Blog

What do you think of the flight mechanics detailed by the developers of Iron Man VR? Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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