Iron Banner is returning to Destiny 2. The event starts on September 18 10 AM PDT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM BST. The event will reset with new challenges and rewarding on September 25. The event also returns with few big changes. We have covered all the changes that will return with Iron Banner, be sure to check it out.
- Iron Banner Details
- Game Mode: Control
- Begins: September 18 on Tuesday
- Ends: September 25, Tuesday
Destiny 2 Forsaken Fragments Guide – How to Obtain
- Big Changes in Iron Banner
- Power Level
- Seven Weekly Bounties
- Chance of Iron Banner theme reward drop with weekly bounties
- Forsaken DLC owners can access map in private matches
- All Seven items (5 armor pieces, 2 weapons) can only be bought after completing the bounty
This time around in Iron Banner, the power level will matter. At Destiny’s official website, its mentioned that: ‘You are now in an arms race with the Guardians you face off against, so make sure to equip your most powerful gear’. So, if you got a higher level weapon or armor, equip it and compete.
There will be seven weekly bounties with each bounty yielding chance of iron banner theme reward. Also, the bounties reward will give you powerful item drop so that you can compete well in this Iron Banner.
Lord Saladin will bring seven items, five armor pieces and two weapon items. Each of these can be dropped after each match or while claiming bounties. However, even if you did not get the item in drop, you can buy it straight away after finishing bounty mission.
The recent released Forsaken DLC restores the lost faith the game has been struggling with since launch. Just in case, if you do not own Destiny 2, the game is currently running free for PlayStation Plus members.
Destiny 2 will be free for month of September. After a series of updates the game is well balanced. Grab the game and get a chance to play it for free.
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