Hitman 2 Gets a New Trailer at PAX West 2018, New Location Revealed

Hitman 2

IO Interactive and Warner Bros. have released a new trailer for their upcoming Hitman 2. The trailer is titled ‘Welcome to the Jungle’. Before we begin, let us have a look at the trailer.

The trailer shows the new location, a rainforest in Columbia, where Agent 47 is busy doing what he does best. The trailer shows the jungle in stunning detail, which will be one of many locations in the upcoming Hitman 2.

Looks like the second game will have even more diversified locations than the first game and they will be even bigger as the trailer shows the location to be pretty big. The level of attention given to detail in the game is amazing as you can see in the trailer. The rainforest looks beautiful and everything in there fits perfectly in its place.

The enemies shown in the game seem to be wearing some sort of radiation protection suits, which means that Agent 47 is here on a serious chemical mission, and must retrieve or destroy some sort of a chemical weapon or formula. The trailer does not reveal any more information about the game or the location at this point.

Columbia thus adds to yet another revealed location of the game, which makes two confirmed locations Miami, Columbia and the leaked locations, which include India, New Zealand, a North Sea location and a suburb location based in the USA. The developers are yet to reveal more locations that will be featured in the game.

Hitman 2 is a sequel to the original game, which came out in the form of episodes, but this formula has been dropped for the second game. The second game, Hitman 2, will come out as a complete package and will not feature episodes like the first game. This is great news, as players will not have to wait ages to play another mission of the game.

Hitman 2 is slated to release on November 13, 2018 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Let us know in the comments section below about you feel about the upcoming Hitman 2 and the new location reveal for it.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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