Sega Reveals a Tiny $50 Game Gear Micro Console, Comes This October

Game Gear Micro

In celebration of its 60th anniversary, Sega has just announced a tiny $50 Game Gear Micro handheld console which is going to be available this year in October. The console is so tiny it will dwarf in the on the palm of your hand. However, don’t be fooled by its small size, as it contains several classic games pre-installed inside it.

The Game Gear Micro’s tiny size makes it just 80 mm wide and 43mm tall in height. From the announcement video, you can clearly see how small it is and how it sits on the far ends of your fingertips. The screen, on the other hand, is just an inch wide, but Sega is also giving a magnifying glass attachment which was also previously available for the original console back in the day. The magnifying glass attachment will provide a better view of the screen and the games running on the console.

Game Gear Micro

Lastly, the Game Gear Micro console will come in four different colors, which are black, blue, yellow, and red. Check out the announcement trailer below:

Each of the different colored version of the Game Gear Micro will contain different games, which might tempt collectors to get their hands on each variant.

The console will launch this year on October 6 for ¥4,980, which is about $46 US dollars. From the reveal, we can understand that the console will launch in Japan for now on the launch date set for October. We don’t really know when the console will be available in the western markets or worldwide. There might be more information coming soon for a worldwide release later on this year.

What do you think of Sega’s Game Gear Micro console? Are you looking forward to the tiny console? What color of the Game Gear Micro is your favorite? Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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