Game Developers Want Better Working Conditions in the Games Industry

Game Developers

After the recent events at Telltale Games and Capcom Vancouver, game developers want better working conditions the industry. A trending hashtag #AsAGamesWorker started by Osama Dorias of Warner Bros Montreal, gives an insight into the frustrations and troubles that employees go through in games studios from around the world.

Developers from Telltale, Ubisoft, Eidos Montreal, Creative Assembly and more, have voiced their concerns to the narrative. The common complaints include that developers should come before Stake holders, clients, management and corporate culture, peer pressure or overworking, employees feeling expendable.

Many developers have taken to Twitter to protest the state of affairs for employees across all disciplines, these developers range from indie level to big studios.

Last month, Telltale Games announced to shut down its studio and laid off 225 employees with no severance package. The news was met with a lot of backlash from around the gaming community as employees were left stranded without any prior warning, and now looking for a new job.

Another big gaming studio, Riot Games was hit with sexual harassment allegations last month. A report by Kotaku brought into light of the League of Legends developer’s current and former employees commenting on women’s looks and women’s ideas being routinely discussed, while also highlighting lack of opportunities for women in the company.

Kotaku followed up with a report on allegations against Riot Games’ chief operation officer Scott Gelb, who was accused by unnamed sources to “touch men’s genitals” and “fart near male employees”.

While in other news, the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) will hold advising sessions for game developers affected by the string of layoffs in the previous months, executive director Jen Maclean said in a blog post.

It’s been a brutal month for game developers around the world, and like so many people in our community, the IGDA team wants to help the game developers impacted by layoffs and studio closures get back on their feet.
We run IGDA Mentor Cafés, ways for game developers to engage in short bursts of learning within their community, at leading events around the world, and we’re announcing our first virtual IGDA Mentor Café today, with the explicit goal of helping game developers who have been laid off in the past 60 days get help as quickly as possible.
The IGDA’s mission is to help game developers have sustainable and fulfilling careers. Whenever someone loses their job, we’re at risk of losing their experiences, wisdom, and insights as part of the global game development community.”

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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