Fortnite Season 6 Incoming, Features DJ Llama


The season 5 has come to an end in Fortnite, the season 6 is about to start soon. The Fortnite page at twitter has recently teased the incoming season 6 with ‘All great parties need a DJ’. The images throws away purple DJ Llama vibes.

The images attached in the twitter tease gave it away that it is DJ Llama featuring the start of Fortnite season 6. It is not clear at this point whether players will get the DJ Llama skin or maybe a head piece in the game. Although, it would be cool to even just get the robotic head piece.

Every season in Fortnite brings in a theme and with that a vast array of in-game costumes and cosmetic items. The season 6 theme may just bring in more dance moves since it clearly leaves a message of ‘All great parties need a DJ’.

Nothing is known for sure about the season 6 theme as of yet, Epic Games will reveal the theme eventually in coming week.

Fortnite is a battle royale game with a feature that is absent from all other games of the genre. Building is a very unique mechanic of Fortnite and perhaps the only mechanic that sets it apart from other games in this genre. Items such as Port-a-Fort and Port-a-Fortress are aimed at people who cannot build custom structures quickly and just want a simple solution to building as survival without building is very difficult in the game

Fortnite game started as early-access free-to-play game with only battle royale multiplayer mode. Epic Games has got a lot of profit since it came out and till date it is the most addicting game since last 5 years.

However, this addiction has somewhat turned into awry news for few people. For few, it has been the cause of a lot of couple’s divorce in the UK. A recent report has stated that in 2018, more than 200 divorce proceedings were carried out with Fortnite citied in them.

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