Bethesda has announced that Fallout 76 will be getting Raids next month, while a new battle royale map will be coming in an update in September. The announcement was made at the recently at the QuakeCon 2019 event.
According to Bethesda, players will now be able to participate in the Vault 94 raid with 4 other players. The new raids will be available next month on August 20. This means that a group of four players will be able to take on missions every week after the rotation of the missions. You can party up with four other players or go with a smaller group to make the raids even more challenging. As you can expect, raids will reward you with Legendary items upon completion.
The raids will come in three different options. Starting with Novice, which by no means will be easy. Higher difficulty options will only increase the challenge by pressuring you with limited time and to finish the raid fast. The first raid will be like a puzzle and you and your teammates will have to figure out the puzzle to progress further in the vault.
On the other hand, a new battle royale map called Morgantown’s Nuclear Winter Map is going to launch in September. Aside from featuring any typical battle royale mode features, the map will also include dangers like the Grafton Monster.
Bethesda also talked about the upcoming Wastelanders extension and the return of the human NPC that it will bring the game. This means that you will have dialogue trees with them, however, this will be coming late in Fall of this year, sometime in November.
Other announcement coming from Bethesda was about the private servers that will be added in the near future in Fallout 76. Game developer Chris Mayer recently said at QuakeCon that “They are coming sooner than you think.”
What do you think of the new raids and the new battle royale map that is coming in Fallout 76? Post your comments below.