“Epic Games Store Being A Thing Is Healthy” – Evil Genius 2 Developer

Evil Genius 2

Evil Genius 2 started off as a crowdfunded project but has since then gained a lot of traction. The trailer of the game was revealed a while back and it is coming to PC in 2020.

Evil Genius 2 is coming to Steam on PC but the developer also talked about the Epic Games Store and how it is healthy in terms of competition. Here is what the developer had to say about Epic Games Store:

I think the Epic Games Store being a thing is healthy. I think competition is always healthy. For Evil Genius 2, we have announced a Steam release so far, it’s always been a great partner to us for our other titles and it’s always been a good fit.

So while the developer things that Epic Games Store is great for competition, it does not seem like Evil Genius 2 will be available on the new platform. The developer also mentioned that the previous game was released on PC and has a hardcore following.

For now, the developer is working on making the game the best it can be on PC. Rebellion did not talk about whether the game would come to consoles. The developer also talked about the next-generation of consoles and mentioned that it is excited about what upcoming consoles will have to offer. Here is what the devs had to say regarding the matter:

New consoles are always exciting for us. As developers, a new console opens up new possibilities that we can play with. Putting aside the issue of the consoles’ real power, I’m personally curious to see more of the solid state drives and if they will bring any tangible difference, as, so far, we have only seen them demoed with current generation games.

Epic Games Store has been under fire for a while now. It got a lot of heat for Shenmue 3 and Epic claims that something like this would never happen again. That is something that only time will tell.

Let us know what you think about Evil Genius 2 and whether or not you are interested in playing the game when it comes out next year.

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