Bioware Teases Dragon Age Announcement – Possible Reveal at The Game Awards ?

The last dragon age game was Dragon Age Inquisition. The game released November 18, 2014 on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows. The game continued solid formula of its genre and the game world was bigger than ever.

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Bioware is now teasing for a possible Dragon Age game. BioWare General Manager Casey Hudson has recently teased a Dragon Age announcement in a recent post on Bioware’s official blog.

Casey Hudson mentioned in his blog post that:

If you’ve been following these blogs or myself and Mark Darrah on Twitter, you know we’re also working on some secret Dragon Age stuff … Dragon Age is an incredibly important franchise in our studio, and we’re excited to continue its legacy.  Look for more on this in the coming month (though I won’t tell you where to look…)

Case Hudson is indicating for a possible official reveal in next month. In first week of December, The Game Awards 2018 is happening. We have already grown speculations that few games will be revealed at TGA 2018. Now we may possible see a new Dragon Age game there also.

Casey Hudson, earlier this year has already mentioned that EA and Bioware is in development works on new Dragon Age. Hudson also said that the new game will be story and character focused. Additionally the game will also follow ‘live’ model of EA. By ‘live’ model, he meant that the game will continuously grow and new content will be added to it in the form of downloadable content.

Are you excited about new Dragon Age announcement? Did you play Dragon Age Inquisition? We will let you know more on the story. Meanwhile, Let us know more your thoughts in comments section below.


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