Devil May Cry 5 New Tokyo Game Show Trailer – Dante & Nero Gameplay, New Character

Dante Gameplay

Capcom has released a new trailer for Devil May Cry 5 at Tokyo Game Show, showing a lot of action from Dante, the favorite character in the series. Dante is joined by Nero and a third new playable character called V, in this action filled game.

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Dante is shown to be wielding familiar weapons, his sword Rebellion and trusty handguns Ebony and Ivory, along with a new weapon: a motorcycle called Cavaliere R, that can split into a pair of bladed weapons. In addition, Dante’s Devil Trigger transformation is also back as shown in the trailer below.

The second playable beloved character, Nero was also shown a fair share in the gameplay. Nero came with a very familiar looking weapon attached to his arm, the weapon as you may recall, is Mega Buster from the Mega Man series.

After the introduction that features a large demon monster, we get to see Nero blasting everything in sight with this new weapon. The weapon, we have to admit, looks amazing to say the least. Take a look at the gameplay showing Nero using the Mega Buster below.

In addition, the old school side scrolling actions also appears in the gameplay, the action refers to back to 3D when Nero gets temporarily blaster out and returns all powered up to take on his enemy. The whole sequence of the action looks incredible.

A third new character was also shown who is known to be a V. This character is a playable character in the game although no gameplay action for V was shown in the trailer. We have yet to see how V gets in to the action of fighting demons and monsters.

Devil May Cry 5
Dante’s Cavaliere R

In the end of the trailer, a big announcement from the show is the debut of a new Deluxe Edition of the game which includes the full game as well as the contents mentioned below:

  • Four exclusive Devil Breaker weapons, including Mega Buster
  • Live Action Cutscenes
  • Battle music: 12 tracks from Devil May Cry 1 to 4
  • Alt Style Rank Announcers and Title Calls
  • Dante weapon: The Cavaliere R

Take a look at the image showing the contents of the Deluxe Edition, although there is no mention of the price for this edition of the game.

Devil May Cry 5

Finally there are also hints that the there will be online play in Devil May Cry 5 with 2 to 3 player online play. We can confirm this from the game’s page over at Xbox Store where it mentions the game’s features to include a multiplayer 2-3 players-online play.

Capcom seems to be going all out in making Devil May Cry 5 the most entertaining title in the series for its fan base and new comers. There is a lot of action and battles in the game to attract anyone to buy this game.

Devil May Cry 5 is set to be released on March 8, 2019 for the Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Let us know in the comments what you think of the new gameplay and the Mega Buster weapon for Nero. Post your thoughts and opinions below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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