Cyberpunk 2077 Can Be Beaten Without Killing Unlike Watch Dogs Legion

Cyberpunk 2077 Watch Dogs Legion

Cyberpunk 2077 has all kinds of guns including Bazookas and swords but the game will have non-lethal weapons as well. CDPR has explained that if players want, they can beat the game without killing anyone. Lead quest designer Pawel Sasko opened up about the different weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 and mentioned that guns can be used in non-lethal ways and you have hand-to-hand combat as well.

The director of Watch Dogs Legion Clint Hocking talked about the weapons and combat in the game and he was not sure whether people could complete the game without killing people. The following is what Pawel Sasko had to say regarding the matter:

Right now, every weapon and every cyberware has a nonlethal option. I think I can say everything. There’s one thing: only weapons that are lethal by definition, so let’s say you shoot someone with a bazooka in his face. You shoot his head off. That’s typically lethal.

We already know that Cyberpunk is going to have special weapons like the Katana and Mantis Blades but there are going to be even more weapons that we do not know about yet. Sasko further went on to mention the following about non-lethal combat in Cyberpunk 2077.

Pretty much every gun, pretty much every cyberware, you’re able to use in a nonlethal way. You’re able to knock them down, choke them, make them sleep and so on. There are ways not to kill them and spare them, like the way you could do with Sasquatch, the boss.

CDPR knows its game inside out and that is more than what we can say about the devs behind Watch Dogs Legion that do not even know whether or not you can beat the game without killing anyone. In 2019 this is a pretty common question that fans have and I think that this is something that the devs should know about.

If you missed the E3 trailer that features Keanu Reeves then be sure to check that out. The game is available for pre-order and you can buy it for as low as $30 depending on where you live.

Let us know what you think about Cyberpunk 2077 having a non-lethal completion option and whether or not you are interested in playing the game when it comes out next year.

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