Cyberpunk 2077 Map Size New Details – Buildings with Floors and Underground Areas

map size

Cyberpunk 2077 is long awaited project from CD Projekt. The game is scheduled to release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. Cyberpunk 2077 will feature a very big map, but it is unclear as how much of big it will be.

Regarding the map size of Cyberpunk 2077, few new details have come to spotlight. The Facebook page of official Cyberpunk 2077 has recently answered a curious fan who wanted to know few details about the map in the game.

The curious and excited fan wanted to know how much big will be the map in Cyberpunk 2077. He also went on asking as how much big the map will be in Cyberpunk 2077 as compared to Witcher 3 map. Witcher 3 map is itself huge, vast and versatile.

Here is the image of the chat that shares some important details about the map of Cyberpunk 2077.

Map Size

So all in all, Witcher 3 map was big in terms of length. The map was flatter and activities scattered. The world of Cyberpunk 2077 is differently designed from the world of Witcher 3.

In Cyberpunk 2077, there map will be huge for sure, but it is not necessary it will be huge in length. As pointed out by the rep of Cyberpunk 2077 official Facebook page, who said that ‘map can be huge upwards or downwards’.

We are so much excited about Cyberpunk 2077. The game features character customization, there will be a backstory of your character that you can select. Each character that you will get to create will support attributes and class system.

The game features cars, bikes and many other types of vehicles. The game also features side quests, whose dialogues and consequences are totally based upon your actions.

Cyberpunk 2077 is set in Night city which is a busy metropolis located on coast of free state of California. It is a dystopian city where violence and aggression is a norm.

Are you excited after knowing more about map size Cyberpunk 2077? Let us know more your thoughts in comments section below.


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