Civilization VI Now Supports Cross-Platform Cloud Saves on Nintendo Switch and Steam

Civilization VI Cross-platform

Firaxis Games has added a new change in its game Civilization VI, where the game now supports cross-platform cloud saves on Nintendo Switch and Steam. The new feature will allow PC players to continue where they left from, and continue on the go on the Nintendo Switch.

To get the feature for yourself, you need a couple of requirements to be eligible for this feature. You need to create a 2K account, and then link it up with the Switch and Steam versions of the game. In addition, the capability is only available for those playing the base game. This means that for PC players with Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm expansions will have to disable the addons to get access to the feature.

Following the update on both Steam and Switch, creating a new save file in the single-player Civilization VI game round, it will now give players the option to make it a Multiplatform Cloud save. Once this multiplatform cloud save is successfully synced to the could through a 2K account, it can then be accessed on their of the platforms to continue on from where you last saved your progress.

While the Switch version of the game is limited in terms of the expansions that are available to the PC version of the game, the feature is still pretty neat where you can just save your progress, and resume anytime and anywhere when you are on the go with your Nintendo Switch, and picking up where you left off.

Civilization VI was originally released back in 2016 for PC, while it followed up with a release on the Nintendo Switch as the only console to have the game on such platform. The Nintendo Switch version of the game launched last year in November of 2018.

What do you think of the new update change that brings multi-platform cloud saves for both platforms? Let us know in the comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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