In this Bloodstained Blood Fountain Guide, we will show you how you can drain the blood fountain in the game. Blood fountain is one of the early things that you come across in the Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
To drain the Blood fountain, you need to have the Blood Steal ability. This ability can only be obtained after you defeat a boss in the Dian Cecht Catherdral.
Bloodstained Blood Fountain Guide
Below we have detailed how to drain the blood fountain in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
How to Drain Blood Fountain
The first time you come across the blood fountain you will see that you can actually get under it. However, there is no clear instruction on how you can drain the blood fountain. To do that, you have to fight a boss.
Before you head to fight the boss in the Dian Cecht Cathedral, you need the Reflector Ray ability from another boss when you go up higher in the cathedral. The boss will have 3200 HP and you have to defeat her to get the Blood Steal ability.
The boss’ weakness is light and slashing damage. Her blood attacks can be easily dodged if stand close to her and crouch in most of the fight. Keeping a distance from her is a bad idea as she will produce a blood torrent blast that can take a huge chunk of your health away.
When the boss is at 70% health, she will heal for 800. Continue your attack until this boss is defeated. Once you are done, you will have the Blood Steal ability. Equip the shard and go back to the blood fountain to drain it.
Read more Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Guides:
This concludes our Bloodstained Blood Fountain Guide. Post your comments below.