In recent development, DICE and EA have announced that the Battle Royale mode of Battlefield V dubbed ‘Firestorm’ will not come until next year. DICE and EA have confirmed in an official announcement that Firestorm will launch in March 2019.
In a recent post on their official website, EA gave out the official content release schedule for Battlefield which included the Tides of War journey chapters and the most-anticipated Battle Royale Mode Firestorm.
They said that the launch of Battlefield V is just the start and the game will get continued support with additional content and more stories added to the game in the coming months as well. The first chapter of Tides of War will land after just two weeks of the game’s launch however Firestorm will not see the day of light until March 2019.
This gives plenty of time to play around with Blackout, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Battle Royale mode until Battlefield V’s Firestorm comes out. The first chapter in the Tides of War is Overture which will bring a new map to the game Panzerstorm which is a tank focused map.
Second chapter of Tides of War will come out in late 2018 or early 2019 while Firestorm is set for launch as Chapter 3 of Tides of War and it comes out in March 2019. EA and DICE have content plans even beyond this time frame which were not shared by them however at this point.
With Firestorm, Battlefield is jumping in the Battle Royale mode as well bringing its signature combat style to people in a new way. Battlefield is not new with big maps and open map warfare so it means that they have a huge edge on all of the competition in this department. People are really looking forward to Firestorm as this might be the new king of Battle Royales if executed in the right way.
Earlier Battlefield V was pushed to November from its earlier October release to give it a little window from Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the game is set to release on November 20, 2018 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Let us know in the comments section below about will you be playing Firestorm when it comes out or you will be sticking to Blackout.