Alien: Isolation Is Coming to Nintendo Switch in 2019

Alien: Isolation Switch

Feral Interactive revealed a brand new trailer for Alien: Isolation and revealed that the game is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2019. Alien: Isolation was initially released in 2014 but now the game is finally heading to Nintendo Switch later this year. The game will bring the iconic tense, atmospheric gameplay, and fidelity to the portable console set in the iconic Alien movie by 20th Century Fox.

The game puts you in the shoes of Amanda Ripley who is the daughter of Ellen Ripley and she must explore the remote space station Sevastopol where she must find the truth behind her mother’s disappearance. She is on the abandoned station with a couple of survivors and the Alien itself where she must stick to the shadows and find clues all over the space station.

One of the best aspects of the game is that the Alien encounters in the game are random so players cannot really anticipate where the stalker will pop up next. The Alien learns to the player’s mistakes and how they play and adapts itself so that it will not fall in the same trap again. This makes the AI very smart and responsive to player behaviors making the game even more challenging.

Check out the brand new Nintendo Switch reveal trailer below.

The main question arises here is that how much degraded the game will be for Nintendo Switch. The game looks pretty amazing on the current platforms but since Nintendo Switch only supports a 720p screen along with lower specs overall, the same graphical fidelity will be very difficult for the developers to achieve.

However, the game shines in the versatile gameplay mechanics and survival mechanics which we are sure that the Nintendo Switch will not fail to deliver. It will also come with the added advantage that players will be able to play the game anywhere and any way they like. The portability is the biggest advantage of Nintendo Switch.

Are you interested in playing Alien: Isolation on Nintendo Switch when it comes out? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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